  • 期刊


From "Ge-I" to "Prajña":-The Development of Chinese Buddhism in the Tsin Dynasty




格義 般若 六家七宗 兩晉佛學 方法論


This paper discusses the possibility for the development of Buddhism ”from Ge-I (isogesis) to Prajña (the highest wisdom of Buddhism)”. It employs the linguistic methodology to analyze the key words used in Indian (Sanskrit) and their corresponding translation in Chinese .Under the analysis of basic linguistic triangular relationship, the inaccurate structure of the language implication and translation was exposed. The philosophers of the Tsin Dynasty who declared their explanatory comments of the Prajña sutra (Bo-re Ching) were called ”liu jia qi zong”(six sects seven models-six sects comprise seven models of Buddhism Interpretation) compared the Buddhism concepts ”k'ung (Sunyata, Emptiness 空)” with the Chinese metaphysical concept-”wu (nothingness,無)”, and tried to deliberate how this particular Buddhist philosophy could correspond to Chinese thoughts, Due to the language limitation in translation, the project was not successful. Till the Buddhist monk Zhao (Seng-Zhao) issued the ”Zhao Lun”(The theory of indescribable Prajña) the meaning of Emptiness of Madhyamika Buddhism was then straightened out. The most important is the realization (and learning) of the new concept of Emptiness from India which was never a part in Chinese culture. After the phase of ”liu jia qi zong”, Chinese philosophers had developed the understanding of the Indian Buddhist teachings and doctrines, and chose a different thinking style from India Buddhism. It was the development of the early Chinese Buddhism which was a transformation from the original India Buddhism.


Ge-I(isogesis) Prajña Sunyata Emptiness liu jia qi zong
