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EFL Learners' Perceptions of a Game-based and Technology-assisted Writing Course


Enclosed in a steady cloud-stored environment featuring blended learning strategies, and facilitating effective participation by teachers and students, Google Classroom, a learning management system (LMS), has developed into a mature teaching console for administering educational courses, enhancing learning effects, and leveraging online teaching resources. Employing Google Classroom as a pedagogical tool and applying the concept of Needs Analysis, this study implemented gamified learning in a college EFL writing course to assess how students' acceptance of the technology and their flow state experiences using it related to its learning efficacy. The findings of the analysis were as follows: (1) perceived ease of use and flow antecedents significantly strengthened learners' perceived usefulness and attitudes regarding the use of Google Classroom as an LMS and learning tool; (2) while the four flow antecedents had no significant influence on future use intentions, the flow indicators did (it was assumed that although the students enjoyed the game elements and convenience of the technology, the design structure of the instruction had the most substantial impact on their intentions to continue using the technology application for language learning in the future); and (3) Google Classroom reduced the anxiety of face-to-face discussion and enhanced the students' self-learning efficacy in EAP writing by facilitating real-time interactive communication between teachers and students. Students' needs in learning writing should be considered throughout game-based learning. The final section of this study offers some thoughts about the future pedagogical applications of Google Classroom.


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