  • 期刊


To Be Fair to New Residents-Interpreted by Sen's "Capability Analysis"


新住民是國人的外籍配偶及大陸配偶。她們在台灣生活所碰到的共同困難是「人」的尊嚴不受尊重。外籍配偶特有的困難是:語言與文化的適應和無能力教養子女。大陸配偶特有的困難則是:就業困難、經濟拮据等。民調顯示:台灣社會對待東南亞和大陸女性配偶「不公平」,不少民眾卻認為是「適當」的。我們認為值得去釐清這種現象的「應然面」。本文先簡介沈恩(Amartya Sen)的「能力分析法」(capability approach);接著以「能力分析法」當作工具,探討「什麼是公平?」,並以諾思邦(Martha Nussbaum)所條列的十項重要人類能力作為檢驗標準,逐項省思台灣新住民所欠缺的能力。當前新住民最迫切需要的能力有二:一是聽、說、讀、寫能力的培養,及二是不受歧視的自由,尤其是工作機會的欠缺。前者之養成,不僅能增進外籍配偶的安全感,還有惠及子女教育的外溢效果;後者則有賴人權理念的加強。新住民亦為人子、人妻、人母;公平對待她們,原本就是理所當然的。台灣少子化現象近來已受到社會各階層廣泛的注意,讓新住民家庭及子女順利融入台灣主流社會,是保障未來族群和睦相處的要件。


新住民 能力分析法 人權 公平


The ”new residents” are the spouses of local Taiwanese who are foreign or mainland Chinese in origin. The most common problem they encounter living in Taiwan concern the lack of respect for human dignity. Specific problems of foreign spouses include language and cultural adaptation as well as problems parenting their children. Spouses from the mainland have particular difficulties in employment opportunities and financial inadequacy.Polls show that there is ”unfair” treatment of new residents by Taiwanese society. However, many Taiwanese think that this phenomenon is ”appropriate.” We consider it worthwhile to clarify the normative implications of this type of behavior.Firstly, we propose Amartya Sen's ”capability approach” in this paper. Secondly, capability approach is used as a tool to explore the topic ”What is fair?” Thirdly, based on Martha Nussbaum's 10 key items on her capability list, we examine the capabilities which new residents need to acquire. Currently, there are two important attributes that are quite crucial. One is language skills or the ability to read, write, speak and comprehend Chinese. The other is freedom from discrimination. The former is needed to develop a sense of security for foreign spouses. It also has the spillover effect of benefiting their children's education. The latter is dependent on the strengthening of the concept of human rights.New residents in Taiwan also include the children, spouses, and parents of the spouses. It is right that fair treatment is given to them. With the alarming decline in birth rate in Taiwan, it is important that families and children of the new residents integrate smoothly into mainstream society to guarantee future ethnic harmony.


new residents capability approach human right fair


