  • 期刊


The Teaching Practice of Excellent Clinical Nursing Teachers




This qualitative study was designed to comprehend the teaching practice of excellent clinical nursing teachers. Purposive sampling was employed to select participants. Ten excellent teachers from department of nursing of the university in middle Taiwan were interviewed. The interviews were one-to-one, in-depth, and a semi-structured guide was used. The categorical-content method in narrative analysis approach (Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach & Zilber, 1998) was chosen for data examination. Four themes emerged from the participants' teaching practice: Create relationship of trilateral win; Build the excellent standard by own demonstration; Make good use pedagogical knowledge; Reflect and modify towards being excellent. The study shows that the excellent clinical nursing teachers actively created a harmonious relationship between students and medical team to facilitate teaching and learning. They advocated ”teaching by own demonstration” to make an excellent studying standard for students. They made good use of pedagogical knowledge, such as innovative teaching strategies, student-centeredness, encouraging and praising students, and the peer cooperative learning, to create a positive learning atmosphere which lead to effect learning; They constantly reflected and modified their own teaching, and towards continue growth and being excellent teaching. The results of the study provide a good reference for nursing teachers, nursing schools, and future researchers.
