  • 期刊


The Applicability of the DISC Scale in the Classification of University Students' Leadership Types


領導力(leadership)是人暨關係及工作表現的重點,為了解目前台灣大學生領導力的狀況,領導力量表的發展及其重要,常見評量領導力之DISC量表因題目型態特殊為強迫選擇設計,雖有其優點,但無法使用傳統式信效度測量指標測量方式,本研究嘗試應用試題反應理論,作為強迫選擇試題信效度判斷方法。問卷調查433位大學生,在信度指標上採用MAP法的實證信度,在效度指標上則採用建構效度,另以潛在類別模型(latent class model)分類大學生領導類型。研究結果發現:(1)DISC量表具良好信效度,適合用來檢測大學生領導特質;(2)受訪大學生主要有四種領導類型;(3)大學生的領導類型與學院以及性別相關。研究發現除確認量表之信效度,對大學生領導類行的討論將有助大學生人力資源發展建議的提出。


Leadership is a critical indicator of working performance and their social relation with the others. In order to understand university students’ leadership, it is important to obtain a proper scale. A common used scale of leadership, called DISC scale, takes a special design of forced choice question. Forced choice question has its advantage in reducing measurement error, but, there is also a problem of the difficulty in estimating reliability and validity by using conventional statistical method. The purpose of this study is to examine alternative indicators of reliability and of validity. Survey is employed. There are 433 university students responding validly. IRT (item response theory) and LCM (latent class model) are the statistical method of analysis. The findings include (1)DISC is a valid and reliable scale to be used in Taiwan social context, (2)there are four types of leadership for Taiwanese students, (3) leadership types are associated with gender and types of college majoring.


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