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Introduction to Sports Fitness Trainer Certification and Exploration of the Training Pipeline




證照檢定 產學合作


Introduction: The study examines the characteristics of fitness trainer license between domestic and international, and the current status of industry-academia cooperation through the Ministry of Education. I hope to provide the results to schools, industry, and those who want to become fitness trainer. Methods: This study collected relevant literature to discuss the characteristics of fitness trainer license between domestic and international, relevant certification units, and the current status of industry-academia cooperation promoted by the Ministry of Education. Results: The international fitness trainer license renewal regulations ensure that qualified fitness trainers maintain professional knowledge update and refined. The Ministry of Education policy to promote industry-university cooperation in personnel training fitness trainer pipeline to link up employment-oriented, through sports-related learning programs, or certification training programs, to cultivate talent in the sports and fitness industry. Conclusion: It is suggested that the government should improve the certification assessment system, establish strict assessment procedures, and refer to the methods of certification examination and accreditation of fitness trainer in other countries, For example, through the process of certification, internship, license issuance, study, and renewal of certification, Strict appraisal of professional personnel to improve the current situation of obtaining certification through learning, but lack of further research and certification updates.


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