  • 期刊


The Future Imagination Disposition and Action Control Orientation of Junior High School Students for the prediction and moderating effect or their Career Self-efficacy


本研究旨在探討國中生「未來想像傾向」及「行動控制特質」與「生涯自我效能」之間的關聯,以及「行動控制特質」對「未來想像傾向」與「生涯自我效能」之調節作用。本研究採問卷調查法,以台灣地區國中生為研究對象,採便利抽樣方式,由台灣北、中、南、東四區共抽選 5 所國中之九年級學生做為問卷施測的樣本。研究工具包括「未來想像傾向量表」、「行動導向量表」及研究者修編的「生涯自我效能量表」,經過預試之後修訂成正式量表,針對所回收838 份有效樣本,分別以積差相關及階層迴歸等統計方法進行資料分析。研究結果發現,一、國中生「未來想像傾向」及四個層面「超越現實」、「鑒往知來」、「情感價值」、「情節建構」與「生涯自我效能」皆具有顯著的正相關。二、國中生「行動控制特質」中唯有「表現」與「生涯自我效能」有顯著的負相關,而「行動控制特質」之「決定」及「失敗」與「生涯自我效能」則無顯著相關。三、國中生「行動控制特質」唯有「表現」對「未來想像傾向」與「生涯自我效能」具有調節效果,其中以「未來想像傾向」之「超越現實」與「行動控制特質」之「表現」的交互作用對於「生涯自我效能」最具調節效果。最後,本研究依據本研究結果提出具體建議以做為學生生涯輔導工作及未來研究之參考。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between career self-efficacy and future imagination disposition as well as action control orientation. Additionally, this study explored the moderating effect of action control orientation on future imagination disposition and career self-efficacy for junior high school students. To achieve the purpose of this study, the questionnaire was adopted in this study. The researcher took junior high school students in Taiwan as subjects of study, and recruited 9th grade students in 5 junior high schools from northern, central, southern and eastern Taiwan as samples of the questionnaire study through convenience sampling. The instruments used in this study included: The Scale of Future Imagination Disposition, Action Orientation Scale and Career Self-Efficacy Expectation Scale revised by the researcher. The 838 valid samples of obtained data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, product-moment correlation, and hierarchical regression to test the hypotheses of this study. Main findings of this study are as followings: (1) Significant positive correlation appears between "future imagination disposition" (which include "beyond reality", "past review and future prediction", "emotion and value" and "plot construction") and "career self-efficacy". (2) In "action control orientation", there is only significant negative correlation between "performance-related action orientation" and "career self-efficacy", but there is no significant correlation between "decision-related action orientation" and "failure-related action orientation". (3) In "action control orientation", only "performance-related action orientation" has some moderating influence on the "future imagination disposition" and "career self-efficacy". In this influence, significant interactions between "beyond reality" and "performance-related action orientation" has most moderating effect on "career self-efficacy" At last, the researcher discussed the results of this study, and proposed some suggestions for career guidance and future researches
