  • 期刊


A Study on the Significance of Bali Action Plan in International Environmental Law: With a View from the Principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities


聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約第十三屆締約國會議於2007年年底在印尼峇里島召開,會議中通過「峇里行動計畫」(Bali Action Plan),以之做為後續協商與執行的依據。依據會議決議,在2009年哥本哈根會議定出明確溫室氣體減量的目標之前,世界各國將按照這個架構,進行更密切的技術移轉與資金援助。然而值得留意的是,「峇里行動計畫」不僅重申了各國間合作的重要,更再度明確表達出「共同但有區別原則」的應用,本文即在探討此一原則的內涵。作者認為國際環境法的形成,往往透過國際文件(包括了條約、宣言、公告等)予以架構,此亦使研究者在探討的過程中觀察到形成的過程,也因而有軟法的討論。在許多學者的研究中,均指出「共同但有區別責任原則」已經成為國際環境法中的一項重要原則,而「峇里行動計畫」再次展現了此一原則的落實,並且在未來的發展中,更加促成此一原則成為國際法規則。


The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP13) took place in Bali in December 2008. This two-week period of meeting adopted the ”Bali Action Plan”, the Parties would follow this document as a roadmap for future arrangement. According to this Plan, participants agreed to enhance technology development and transfer as well as adequate financial support. It is noteworthy that the Plan points out the importance of ”co-operation” between Parties and re-applies the ”common but differentiated responsibilities principle”. This paper is going to discuss the connotation of this principle, which is one of the important principles of the international environmental law.It is ordinary to witness that the evolution of international environmental law is influenced by international instruments, such as conventions, declarations, notifications, and so on. In many academic researches, it is accepted that the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities has been one of the major principles. Due to the fact that this principle was reiterated in the Bali Action Plan, the author deems that the principle would be positively proved its status in international law.


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