  • 期刊


Using Structural Equation Modeling to Explore the Correlation from Nurses' Online Social Support, Presenteeism Motivation to Presenteeism


背景:不足的護理人力,使護理人員在出勤當日即使自覺無法負荷當日工作所需,仍勉強出勤,長期累積可能造成身心負面影響,工作上亦無法達到應有的照護品質,甚至產生病安事件。社會支持影響勉強出勤的積極與消極動機,問題導向的勉強出勤積極動機與情緒導向的勉強出勤消極動機,影響著護理人員以正向或負向的想法與態度面對勉強出勤。既然護理人員無法避免勉強出勤,若能藉由有效的社會支持增加正向的勉強出勤積極動機,使護理人員在勉強出勤的情形下保有正向積極的心態,應可緩解因長期勉強出勤所導致的身心負面影響,本研究針對目前較少被探討的線上社會支持與勉強出勤動機及勉強出勤之相關性,以發展本研究模型。目的:探討臨床護理人員在不同類別的線上社會支持對護理人員勉強出勤的動機與勉強出勤的影響。方法:採橫斷式、相關性研究設計,採方便取樣以1年以上之臨床護理人員為研究對象,研究工具採結構式問卷,包括:勉強出勤量表、勉強出勤動機量表及線上社會支持量表。研究方法包括描述性統計、信度分析、結構方程式模型,並以SPSS與SmartPLS統計軟體進行資料分析與假說檢定。結果:收案214位護理人員,平均年齡33.9 ± 7.2歲、女性占97.6%。結果顯示線上資訊社會支持與正向的勉強出勤積極動機呈正相關(β=.22, p < .01),線上情緒社會支持與負向的勉強出勤的消極動機呈正相關(β=.21, p < .01),值得注意的是,勉強出勤的消極動機與勉強出勤呈正相關(β=.32, p < .001),勉強出勤之解釋總變異量為12%。結論:本研究證實的假設模型可知,護理人員的勉強出勤動機受到線上社會支持影響,護理人員的勉強出勤來自於尋求線上情緒社會支持的消極動機。故建議院方或護理相關單位,在避免不了勉強出勤的情形下,了解護理人員勉強出勤積極與消極動機,給予不同類別的線上社會支持,持續發展正向的資訊性問題導向的解決法,或在情緒導向的線上社會支持中給予多些正向的鼓勵,應可緩解或預防長期因勉強出勤所累積的負向影響。


Background:Insufficient manpower forces nursing staff to attend work even if they are consciously unable to meet the needs of the day's work, negatively effecting their physical and mental health and well-being as well as lowering the quality of their care even resulting in patient safety adverse events. Social support affects the positive or negative presenteeism motivation. The problem-focused positive presenteeism and emotion-focused negative presenteeism motivation can influence the way nurses face presenteeism with either positive or negative thoughts and attitudes. Since presenteeism can't be avoided, we can increase nurses' positive presenteeism motivation through social support, which might help nurses maintain a positive attitude and mitigate the negative effects of long-term presenteeism on their physical and mental health. This study focuses on the rarely explored the correlation from nurses' online social support, presenteeism motivation to presenteeism, and uses these to develop a research model. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the correlation from online social support, the presenteeism motivation and to presenteeism. Methods: This study adopted a cross-sectional correlational design with convenient sampling. Participants were clinical nurses with at least one year work experience. The structural questionnaire for this study included scales for presenteeism behavior, presenteeism motivation, and online social support. Research methodologies included descriptive statistics, reliability analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM). The SPSS and SmartPLS software were used to analyze the data and test the hypotheses. Results: Data was collected from 214 nurses whose average age was 33.9±7.2 years old, with female nurses accounting for 97.6% of all participants. The results showed that online informational social support positively affected nurses' positive presenteeism motivation (β= .22, p< .01), while online emotional social support positively affected their negative presenteeism motivation (β= .21, p< .01). In addition, it is worth noting that negative presenteeism motivation positively affected nurses' presenteeism (β= .32, p< .001). The total variance explained of presenteeism was 12%. Conclusions: The results indicate that online social support affects nurses' presenteeism motivations and online emotional social support affects presenteeism through negative presenteeism motivation. The results suggest that under the condition that presenteeism can't be avoided, nursing supervisors or hospitals should understand the positive and negative presenteeism motivations of nurses, and provide them with different types of online social support. Nursing supervisors or hospitals should continue to develop positive informational and problem-focused solutions for nurses, or give them more encouragement through emotion-focused social support, which could mitigate or prevent the long-term negative effects of presenteeism.


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