  • 期刊

Signa Data翻譯問題及奧古斯丁符號思想中的意向性

The Translation of Signa Data and Intentionality in Augustine's Theory of Signs


signa data(意願符號)是奧古斯丁在《論基督教教義》中提出的重要術語,按照主體意願的有無,將之與自然符號區分開來,這種劃分標準是他的獨創,然而國外部分學者沿襲古希臘傳統將其翻譯為「約定符號」,並認為兩者可以等同,國內學者也陷入了這個誤區。signa data的翻譯問題恰恰展現奧古斯丁的符號思考與意圖,故對其正名是必要的。與早期「指稱論」符號觀和古希臘「推理」符號觀相比,signa data突顯了言說者意識的關鍵作用,奧古斯丁將這種蘊含發出者意圖的符號運用於聖經闡釋,表明解釋之特定方向,因此可將理解看作主體意願朝向上帝意志的運動,這展現了奧古斯丁符號理論之實際價值。


Augustine puts forward the important term signa data, which is found in De Doctrina Christiana, as the will (voluntas) of the subject; this is to be distinguished from signa naturalia, which is without the will of the subject. Academically, this distinction was original, whereas previously, some Western scholars, by following the ancient Greek tradition, translated the term into "conventional signs", thus arguing that the two terms could be equivalent. Some Chinese scholars also fell into this misunderstanding. An appropriate translation for signa data is therefore necessary, as it reveals Augustine's ideas of signs, as well as his intentions. In contrast to his previously referenced view about signs and the Inference Theory of ancient Greek, signa data highlights the essential role of the consciousness of the speaker in signs. Augustine applies this type of sign, which involves the intentionality of the sender, into the exegesis of the Bible, aiming to show the particular direction of the interpretation. As a result, interpretation can be seen as the movement of the will of the subject towards the will of God, which is the practical value of Augustine's sign theory.
