  • 期刊


The Crisis in Public Discourse Regarding the Curriculum and its Resolution




課程 公共論述 後現代社會


In this postmodern society driven by the forces of globalization, ever-advancing high tech, the internet culture, business culture and knowledge-based economy, the curriculum discourse platform has undergone a drastic change. Within the logic of capitalization, marketization and privatization, and as curriculum policies are increasingly characterized by neo-liberalism and neo-conservatism, education has been "depoliticized." Curriculum policies have been excluded from public discourse and subjected to control by "an invisible hand." Market orientation has taken precedence over community orientation; the private good (i.e. private or individual profit) has taken precedence over the public good, and consumer rights have taken priority over civil rights. To investigate this phenomenon, the present paper first analyzes the current crisis of public curriculum discourse within the contemporary Euro-American context. It then addresses the strategies for strengthening public discourse. In so doing, the paper aims to pave the way for more extensive and more "current" curriculum research in Taiwan.


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林秋美(2021)。Henry Giroux再現的批判教學論在媒體素養教育上的啟示臺灣教育哲學5(1),118-149。https://doi.org/10.7001/JTPE.202103_5(1).0004
