  • 期刊


How Can We Implement the Organizational Strategy? The Exploration of the Fit of Strategy Type and Organizational Culture


由於目前醫療產業競爭激烈,所有的醫療院所為求生存,期望能夠藉由積極有效之行動策略,搶下較高的市場佔有率並提高利潤。在期望策略能被有效執行之下,組織文化認同下對組織策略之全面支持就顯得更為重要,亦即策略型態與組織文化選擇對機構之影響相當深遠。Shortell, Morrison and Friedman(1990)指出沒有一種策略能永遠適用,即組織要發展多樣的產品和服務(多角化)以便在新市場中競爭,求得經營的永續建議宜採用多樣化和積極性的反應策略而非消極性的抵抗策略。亦如Porter所言,機構除考量所面臨之外部市場因素外,也應有良好之企業體質來支持對外或對內之競爭活動,換句話說即是需加強醫療機構本身內部之協調與合作功能。所以亦必須考量組織文化是否能夠對於策略提供有效支持,因為策略型態代表組織面對環境之態度,而組織文化則代表內部員工可有效執行策略的能力。本研究以策略型態之選擇需視組織文化之型態屬性而進行調整進行探討,亦即積極的策略型態也必須搭配積極組織文化方能成功,否則員工之不支持或因為能力受限無法提供支援下,組織績效將無法有效提昇。如能適切搭配,則可將機構策略徹底執行,並達到最佳績效。故本研究將針對此二者做整合性之探討,希望能夠提供醫療機構經營管理者之參考。


Because of fierce competition of the medical industry, all medical institutes want to get higher market share and raise profits with the positive and effective action tactics. Under expecting the tactics can be carried out effectively, the overall support to organizational strategy of organizational culture commitment seem even more important, namely the influence on the organization to be quite far-reaching in the choice of strategy type and organizational culture. Shortell, Morrison and Friedman (1990) point out there is not a kind of strategy can be suitable forever, namely the organization will develop various products and service (many angles) in order to compete among new market, and it should adopt diversification and reactional strategy. As what Porter said, managers should consider not only factors of external market, but also should have good entity of enterprise to support external or internal competitive activities, in other words, it need to strengthen the internal coordination and cooperation. So we must consider that if the organizational culture can offer effective support to the strategies. The focus of this research is to look for the best fit of the organizational culture and strategy type, and that is namely the positive attitude must match the organizational culture to succeed actively, otherwise organizational performance will unable to be promoted effectively. If it can be fitted appropriately, they can carry out organization's strategies completely. So we will do the combining discussion in the research, and hope to offer references to administrators of the medical organization.
