  • 期刊


Reality and Representation: The Specially Appointed High Envoy of the Nationalist. Government and the Recognition of the 14th Dalai Lama


1938年初,因日本對華侵略戰爭而遷都重慶的國民政府獲得消息:藏政府已於青海塔爾寺(sKu vbum)附近找到已故十三世達賴喇嘛的轉世靈童。重慶、西寧和拉薩三方面隨之展開了一齣精彩的戲碼。藏政府需要達賴喇嘛的轉世靈童;青海的大軍閥馬步芳想要巨額錢財,並希望利用這次機會從西藏獲得商業利益;重慶的國民政府強調的則是作為中央的威信,以及藉此向世人宣示其對西藏的主權。利用近年解密的檔案材料,本文詳細敘述三方關於青海靈童赴藏一事的交涉過程與國民政府蒙藏委員會委員長吳忠信及其他有關人員張威白、孔慶宗等在此次達賴轉世事件中的活動情形。本文指出,由於認識到達賴轉世對漢藏關係有莫大影響,吳忠信、張威白等人對藏政府一面勸導,一面催促,使得十四世達賴喇嘛的轉世經過,至少在程序上按照國民政府的意願,依照清朝「舊例」辦理;但是,他們同時認識到自己並沒有足夠實力為後盾,所以只能力求程序的完備,而無法影響藏政府對達賴轉世的具體操作。正因為如此,他們不得不在相關的文字表述上有所斟酌和修飾,著重強調國民政府對西藏主權之行使與拉薩當局對「中央意旨」之尊重,略而不提交涉過程的種種周折與不快。我們看到,這種現實與表述之間的差異,在一定程度上增加了人們認識近代漢藏關係的困難。


達賴喇嘛 認證 國民政府 吳忠信


This paper attempts to give, on the basis of newly-found sources, a more detailed historical narrative of a long series of tripartite negotiations, first on the travel arrangements to Lhasa of a divine boy, recognized as the reincarnation of his predecessor, the 13th Dalai Lama, and then on the official rituals to be conducted to confer on him the recognition of his spiritual leadership. Scarcely had the report that the boy-incarnate had been found in Amdo, Qinghai, a province under the complete control of the Muslim warlord Ma Bufang, circulated early in 1938 when Tibet, the Nationalist government, and Qinghai local authorities began playing a complex game to take advantage of the situation to achieve their calculated ends. Tibet needed the divine boy, and moreover to vindicate Tibet's own rights, wanted to officially enthrone him as the 14th Dalai Lama without the intervention of other authorities. Ma Bufang refused to let the boy-incarnate be escorted out of Qinghai to Lhasa without payment of a large sum of money. The Nationalist government, having moved to Chongqing, Sichuan Province, because of the Japanese invasion (1937-1945), wanted to use the opportunity to assert its sovereign authority over Tibet by reference to the established model of the Qing dynasty. But, due to the weak position of the Nationalist government during the Sino-Japanese war, Wu Zhongxin, the chairman of the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission, and other the chairman of the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission, and other Nationalist officials in Lhasa had to take great pains to have the recognition and installation ceremonies of the 14th Dalai Lama performed in accordance with the Qing precedents. They engaged in a series of difficult negotiations with the Tibetan senior spiritual and administrative officials. They attempted to portray their activities in a manner that suggested China still exercised sovereignty over the Lhasa authorities. The substantial discrepancy between what was happening in reality and what was chosen to be represented in their official reports and public accounts makes it more difficult to explore the already complicated relations between Republican China and Tibet.


