  • 期刊


The Daily Life and Official Career of a Zongli Yamen Secretary: Chengzhai Riji and Yang Yizhi


現存稿本《懲齋日記》是晚清總理各國事務衙門章京楊宜治在光緒十四年前後對其日常生活的記述。該日記透露總理衙門日常事務處理的一些細節,同時也展示了總理衙門章京這一京官群體的日常生活和思想狀態。作為辦理外事和其他洋務的中樞,總理衙門並無專職官員,大臣與章京都是兼差。章京負責處理該機構日常事務,但外部知識較為貧乏,他們日常生活的內容,主要包括京中社交、宴飲和其他文化活動。 為了鼓勵更多的中層京官進入總理衙門,參與該衙門事務,總理衙門採行了條件優厚的保獎制度。利用這種保獎加速升遷,正是考取章京的京官們最為關心的。與此同時,總理衙門缺少職業外交官培養機制,司官和堂官兩個階層無法銜接:司官不能通過常規手段升遷為堂官,他們的外事經驗無法承續和發展。楊宜治在總理衙門的經歷,揭示了作為清朝官僚制度中一環的總理衙門與專業外交人才成長之間的不協調。


The of Chengzhai Riji is a record of the daily life of Yang Yizhi, a Secretary (zhangjing) of the Zongli Yamen, recording events from the autumn of 1887 to the spring of 1890. This dairy displays a series of details about the ways in which the Zongli Yamen dealt with foreign affairs, as well as the daily life and the thought of its Secretaries, the men who were supposed to handle the routine affairs of the Zongli Yamen. The ministry was founded to manage the foreign relations of the Qing dynasty, yet it had no full-time secretaries. Its part-time officials lacked knowledge of international conditions. What they were concerned about was not foreign affairs or diplomacy, but how to promote themselves to higher posts through baojiang, the reward system of the Zongli Yamen. The experience of Yang Yizhi at the Zongli Yamen suggests that this part of the bureaucratic system of the Qing Dynasty was incompatible with cultivating professional diplomatic talent.


