  • 期刊


The Research and Analysis on Metamerism with Direct Digital Color Proofing and Printing




Metamerism is one of the important factors determining the printing quality, mainly by the print material, the inks and the Artificial Daylight. Artificial Daylight use as a standard when against the visual assessment of the printing, determining the same printing achieve the best printing quality, or generate the color difference and colour shift, D50 is the standard and be using as the basis for the factory owner adjusting the inks with the Offset Press. There have the standard between the Soy ink and the D50, however, have never focus on the other Artificial Daylight, the research for the four most common Artificial Daylight D50, D55, D65, D75, and using the inks of C, M, Y, K with the experiment, through the visual assessment of the researcher and the measurement with the Spectrocolorimeter X-530, with the standard of the D50, against the color performance of the inks CMYK with different Artificial Daylight, and simulate the color by transforming the environment, also combine the color theory and print quality to analyze, compare the Direct Digital Color Proofing and Printing, and the color performance of the same inks under the different Artificial Daylight. With the result, the color difference is most notable on the Cyan ,and Magenta and Black have little significant effect, the value of color difference with four color are same under the D50, and the other three Artificial Daylight have effect on single color, generating the color difference or colour shift, can be the change with the inks and Artificial Daylight, and the relationship between Direct Digital Color Proofing and Printing, with the suggestion to the company, as the test basis, and the mechanism of improvement in the future.


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