  • 期刊


Venerable Bai Sheng and Malaysian Buddhism: Opening of Malaysia-Taiwan's Chinese Buddhism towards Globalization




Reflecting on the current state of Chinese Buddhism in Taiwan, we see that it has gradually shine on the international arena; this can be attributed to several eminent monks who have demonstrated charisma in Buddhist circles. Venerable Bai Sheng is one such person and is now one of the most important figures in Chinese Buddhism. He has led the export and expansion of Taiwanese Buddhism and fought to create an international space for the tradition, while in the process establishing a solid foundation for its subsequent globalization and development. With dauntless spirit, adhering to the legacy of his predecessors, he has shouldered the heavy responsibility of carrying the tradition into the future. Since 1963, when he formed the Republic of China Buddhist Delegation to visit Malaysia, he has held an important position as the abbot of the Kek Lok Si Temple. Thereafter, he led renovations at that temple, assisted in the creation of the Malaysian Buddhist Institute, managed Buddhist initiation ceremonies, and cultivated a new generation of monks. For decades, he has devoted himself to promoting the cause of Chinese Buddhism , leading the masses, maintaining the Buddhist monastic order, and rectifying the teaching system-in all these undertakings, he has spared no effort. Therefore, this article will focus on Venerable Bai Sheng's Buddhist career in Malaysian Chinese society and his efforts to promote and carry forward Buddhist teachings there. In addition, the article explores whether his efforts have impacted Buddhist ties between Malaysia and Taiwan, and even whether such efforts might later serve as the principle factor in spurring individuals to move to Taiwan to become monks and pursue deeper Buddhist studies.


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世界佛教徒聯誼會( World Fellowship of Buddhists)的歷史https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E4%BD%9Bo/oE60/0950/0990/oE50/oBEo/0920/oE80/08 lo/oAFo/oE80/oAAo/oBCo/oE60/09Co/083 2017/5/1瀏覽。
白玉國 2006 《馬來西亞華人佛教信仰研究》。廈門大學南洋研究所博士論文。
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