  • 期刊


Quaternary Glacier Retreat in the Sancha Shan Area of the Southern Taiwan a Preliminary Results




This study aims to apply geomorphological techniques and rock weathering rind dating to investigate the glacial landforms in the Sancha Shan area of southern Taiwan. Our approach was to test two feasible models for Quaternary glacier retreat in Taiwan's mountain areas, namely the ”retreat and turn” and ”rapid meltdown” models, recently proposed by Ho, Chen, and Chyi (2010). Based on the characteristics of glacial landform assemblage, we considered that the cirque development of Chiaming Lake could be accounted for by the ”rapid meltdown” model, and consequently hypothesized that the weathering rinds of moraines here should thicken as the altitudes of moraines rise. On the other hand, the cirque development on the northwestern slope of Sancha Shan could be explained by the ”retreat and turn” model, so that the weathering rinds of moraines should thin down as the altitudes of moraines rise. As a matter of fact, we found a bottom-up increase in the weathering rind thickness of Chiaming Lake moraines, ranging from 1.65±0.9 mm, 1.8±0.5 mm to 2.0±0.3 mm. Meanwhile, the weathering rind thickness of moraines on the northwestern slope of Sancha Shan decreases bottom-up from 1.7±0.6 mm to 1.5±0.5 mm to 0.9±0.4 mm. Although these preliminary results support the hypotheses statistically, more data is needed in the future to confirm the models for Quaternary glacier retreat.


陳淑樺(2007)。八通關到關山間第四紀冰川遺跡研究。國立高雄師範大學地理學研究所=Department of Geography, National Kaohsiung Normal University。
楊建夫(2000)。雪山主峰圈谷群末次冰期的冰河遺跡研究。國立臺灣大學地理學研究所=Department of Geography, National Taiwan University。
