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From the Taiwan Cartoon Evolution of Japanese Reflection




卡通 動畫 演變 電視分級


AD 1971, the Japanese cartoon into Taiwan, by the interesting story with the adaptation of the Chinese Theme Song, and behind interpretation of lively dialogue by the professional voice, Immediately unfold a vigorous mass campaign for it, transmitted through the TV screen. The film depicts the juggernaut character traits and inspirational and moving story, bring precious added value of education, more the film cherry on the cake. As scientific and technological progress, Japan has changed in the past produced cartoon model before, and expanding the age of market, to re-create story short but wide range of ethnic groups to win more the popular works of strategic objectives. These cartoons not only has strong commercial color, compared to the past, but has nothing in the story, not only can strongly stimulate the human visual sensory nerves, rather closer to plot a more social situation, types include: Social criminal cases and the supernatural forces of evil and bloody violence other types. Because today's television industry is only considering its own commercial interests, coupled with Government's current system of television ratings did not improve the standard has gradually created today's children deviation values.From the initial contact with the Japanese cartoon TV market in Taiwan, has been about forty years, during the content has even been three periods of historical change, this will change in three periods of cartoons in the actual development, and then compares past and present content on the differences and analysis of government data statistics, to provide content distribution and the future education of children in the cartoon carefully choose the time of reference materials.


Cartoon Animation Evolution Television Rating


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何險峰,新華網,民95年,http://big5.xinhuanet.com/gate/big5/news.xinhuanet.com/newmedia/2006-05/22/content_4582054.htm (檢索於民國99年5月30日)
趙紹萍,「家長陪同孩子收看電視行爲的重要性」,民98年,http://pc103.spes.tcc.edu.tw/f2blog/index.php?job=category&seekname=9 (檢索於民國99年5月11日)
維基百科,原子小金鋼,民99年6月22日,http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E9%93%81%E8%87%82%E9%98%BF%E7%AB%A5%E6%9C%A8 (檢索於民國99年5月30日)
