  • 期刊


Current Conditions of Japanese Composition Education in Universities in Taiwan-Through Analysis of Syllabi




This paper uses Japanese composition syllabi in Japanese departments in Taiwan as the data for investigation, to analyze and explore the current state of composition education. Text mining is used to express the content of syllabi as keywords, and the capturing of relatively important keywords is used in the attempt to sketch the profile of Japanese composition education in Taiwan at the current time.The analytical results suggest that ”syntax correctness” is the common vision of current Japanese composition teachers. Under the instructional objective of training people with high ability to apply Japanese, and the concrete instructional items still focus on the learning of syntax and sentence patterns. This paper finds that Japanese composition education should consider the stage characteristics of learner composition ability, to design instructional content that is more focused on systematic, reorienting composition education as the realization of cross-cultural understanding and communication in language and expression education.
