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The Analysis of Correlation Between Urban Pedestrian Flow, Vehicle Flow and Street Spatial Pattern




The road design in Taiwan is often criticized for "valuing traffic more than pedestrian". In order to meet the efficiency of vehicle traffic, walking space is often greatly oppressed. Therefore, this study will explore the relationship between urban pedestrian flow, traffic flow and street spatial pattern, and understand whether road design tends to emphasize vehicles more than pedestrian. We classify the street spatial pattern into "pedestrian environment" and "road environment" categories. The former has variables, such as the average sidewalk width and ratio of the length, average total pedestrian width and ratio of the length, and the latter's variables are global integration (Rn), local integration (R3), road width, and land use intensity. The results show that: (1) the roads with more sufficient pedestrian facilities have the pedestrian flow more, and the length of the pedestrian space built is the most factor affecting the pedestrian flow, followed by land use intensity. (2) The road width is the most important factor affecting the traffic flow, followed by the global integration (Rn) and land use intensity. (3) The space syntax can effectively predictor the traffic flow, but have restrictedly capability for the interpretation of the pedestrian flow. (4) The road space design has the tendency to focus on traffic flow demands, and to underestimate the pedestrian environment.


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