  • 期刊


CPC Smart & Green e-Station: Design and Operation of Chiayi Demo Site


台灣中油公司為能源國營事業,配合政府政策電動車進程目標。為了在新興的能源供給產業中尋求台灣中油的營運模式,初期擬以示範先行概念,策畫此智慧綠能示範站,從創能、節能與儲能搭配智慧系統整合執行,除了建立與民眾在電動車能源補給上的互動外,台灣中油更將從中建立此種新興智能站的營運模式。此示範站充分利用嘉義市豐沛日照以及大場域太陽能發電系統來做為單一綠電來源,每日可產綠電約436度太陽能產電,並為解決太陽能產電之侷限性,透過500度先進鋰離子電池儲能系統,並搭配智慧型EMS能源管理系統(Energy Management System)來進行電力調節,以供應加油站營運所需,並供應電動機車充/換電使用,達到創能、儲能、用能及智(節)能的整合性目標,整體設計目標採自給自足系統設計,為單一創能及單一儲能的系統設計。


In light of the recent booming of green energy industry, the smart grid played an important role for the coming new era of e-energy. Chinese Petroleum Corporation (CPC) demonstrated the first smart and green e-Station in Taiwan. The Energy Management System (EMS) designed by CPC can coordinate electric power not only for the gas station but also for the on-site charging of electric vehicles. The e-station serves as a good example for the integration of energy generation (solar power), storage (lithium battery system) and usage (gas station and electric vehicle charging) via smart EMS.


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