  • 期刊


Research on "Taike (T.K.) Style" Design-Case Study of the Visual Planning of the "T.K. Rock Carnival" Activity




As Taiwan subject consciousness enhances, Taike (T.K.) culture becomes one of the important and influential subcultures in Taiwan. However, regarding how to display Taike (T.K.) spirit in the domain of design and what are its features, people pay little attention to these aspects. The ”T.K. Rock Carnival” is the grandest and most influential activity of Taike (T.K.) culture during recent years. The visual planning of such an activity is the most complete demonstration of Taike (T.K.) culture in the domain of visual design during recent years. It is the most representative work for exploring ”Taike Style” design, the subject most worthy to be explored.Through arrangements and researches, the conclusions are induced as follows: 1.Various kinds of cultural symbols with different styles are combined, which shows Taiwan’s multicultural features. 2. New meanings are pursued from the restoration of ancient fashion, endowing the content of ”Taike (T.K.)” with new definition. 3. People show their ego through vulgar terms, to display the ”Taike (T.K.)” spirit. 4. ”Vulgar” advances on the trend. A new design topic based on new taste is created. In the past, people consider that ”vulgar” is equal to ”out of fashion”. However, as the trend of ”Taike (T.K.)” culture rises, the things and concepts we used to deem as unfashionable have leapt to be the mainstream all of a sudden. ”Taike (T.K.)” gradually creates its own taste and position. The manifestation of Taike Style designs encompassing great ”Taiwan Taste” is also produced accordingly, growing sturdily day by day. It seems to be one of the design styles encompassing Taiwan features most.


