  • 期刊


MEMS Market and Their Possible Future


MEMS產業在2011年時全球營收首度達到百億美元規模。而推動市場成長的因素主要是來自消費性電子產品、特別是智慧型手機與平板電腦的應用需求量大幅增加所致。根據市調機構Yole Developpement預測,在未來6年內MEMS市場無論是在出貨量或是營收上,仍皆會穩定地以兩位數字成長,而至2017年時整體產值規模可望超過210億美元。目前,動作感知元件已取代了原本數位微反射鏡及噴墨晶片的市場領導地位,成為MEMS領域最主要的熱銷產品。2011年慣性感測器市場規模總共佔MEMS全球營收總值的61%。而採用感測器融合架構的多軸組合式慣性感測器技術,將成為動作感知元件市場的必然發展趨勢。預估至2017年時該組合感測器市場總值將成長至17億美元規模,屆時出貨產品會是以6軸和9軸的組合式慣性感測器為主。根據市場分析結果,在繼動作感知元件之後,MEMS產業的下一波決勝關鍵應該是在個人隨身健康照護裝置及微流體晶片的產品技術。另外,有兩項發展成熟的舊有MEMS元件絕對式壓力計與紅外線溫度影像感測器,近期將可望在消費性電子產品上重新找到創新應用的市場機會。本文針對MEMS市場現況及未來趨勢進行概括性介紹,期能使讀者對MEMS產業發展有更全面性的了解。


In the year 2011, the sales revenue of MEMS market reached $10 billion for the first time. The majority of market sales resulted from the exploding demands for consumer electronics products, especially on high volume smart phones and tablets. According to research firm Yole Developpement, the MEMS market will continue to see steady, sustainable double-digit growths in units and revenues for the next six years, leading to a $21 billion market by 2017.Currently, inertial sensors have taken the leading place, which once dominated by digital micro-mirror and inkjet devices, in MEMS market. The inertial MEMS accounted for 61 percent of the total market share in 2011. Meanwhile, it has been an inevitable trend, going toward multi-axis combo sensors applied with sensor fusion solutions, for inertial sensing MEMS in the market. The growth projected of combo sensors will come to $1.7 billion in market sales, and with 6-axis and 9-axis of units shipped in volume by 2017.According to recent market dynamics, the next big opportunities for MEMS should be on portable healthcare and microfluidic devices. Two well-developed MEMS devices barometer and infrared imaging sensor believed will experience strong growths in the market soon, due to their new applications to appear for consumer electronics. This article intends to provide readers with a clear understanding on the current market and the possible future for MEMS industry.


