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A Pilot Study Investigating the Adaptability of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 in Taiwan


目的:探查香港中文大學出版之繁體中文第二版明尼蘇達多向人格測驗(Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2, MMPI-2)在台使用情形,以做為後續研究該測驗在台心理計量屬性之基礎。方法:由48位來自台灣、香港、澳門和馬來西亞的受試者填寫MMPI-2、健康性格習慣量表、第二版貝克憂鬱量表、貝克焦慮量表,並在間隔至少兩週後再次完成MMPI-2。結果:繁體中文版MMPI-2可同時適用於慣用國語和粵語的受試者,本次檢視的34個量尺在台灣具可接受之信度,當中26個量尺的效度獲得支持,其餘量尺則因缺乏適當效標而無法檢視其效度。結論:本研究為繁體中文版MMPI-2在台灣的適用性帶來正向初步結論,惟本次因經費有限導致研究樣本較小且同質性高,故後續研究需增加樣本代表性與人數以提升結果的類化程度。


Objective: This study aimed to investigate the adaptability of Traditional Chinese version of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) published by the Chinese University Press when it was administered in Taiwan, so that the results of this study could be utilized as a foundation for future research that explores the psychometric properties of this instrument. Methods: Forty-eight participants from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, and Malaysia were recruited to complete the MMPI-2, Health, Personality, and Habit Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory-II, and Beck Anxiety Inventory. They also had to wait at least two weeks to fill out the MMPI-2 again to obtain their retest scores. Results: Statistics showed that the Traditional Chinese version of MMPI-2 could be applied to both Cantonese and Taiwanese Mandarin Speaking participants. In addition, the 34 MMPI-2 scales examined in this study were demonstrated to have acceptable reliability, and 26 of them were found to be valid, but the rest needs further investigations since they could not be compared with comparable criterion measures at this time. Conclusion: Our preliminary but promising research outcomes support the adaptability of the Traditional Chinese version of the MMPI-2 in Taiwan. However, our homogeneous and small samples resulted from a low budget might have compromised the conclusions drawn from this study. Thus, more research with larger and more representative samples is needed to clarify the generalizability of our findings.


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