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Survey on Zhao-an Dialect of Hakka in Zhuang-wei Township, Yi-lan County


清代宜蘭地區的漢主要來源是漳州府移民,而其中又以來自漳浦、詔安、平和、南靖四個縣份者為多。其中詔安、平和、南靖、雲霄的移民,均包含相當數量的客家人。和台灣其他地區的漳州客家一樣,平和、南靖客話罕見使用情況,宜蘭縣清代移民後裔殘存的是詔安客話。關於宜蘭的詔安客話及其語用情況,此前已見若干陳述。出身冬山鄉的語言學家李壬癸先生曾為文表示,到他祖父還會說詔安客語,他的父親會聽不會說,祖先時所用祭文一定以詔安客語來唸。李壬癸先生自己則完全不會聽和說客語此推算,冬山鄉珍珠里簡李姓宗族的詔安客語流失約在日治晚期。而據洪惟仁的研究,另一處詔安客語的使用點:礁溪鄉三民村的賴姓,則遲至1950年代才不再普通使用。1980年代晚期的礁溪「只剩六七十歲的極少數老人會說客家話」。行及21世紀,一般都認為宜蘭詔安客家話目前已經消失,但近年吳敏顯卻撰文說道:壯圍鄉忠孝村的姓游仔底,是一個詔安秀篆客游姓的單姓聚落,該地的游林屘女士還會說詔安秀篆客家話。筆者於2005年5月及6月、2006年3月、2007年3月,前往當地實查,發現吳氏所言無誤,而且不止游林屘,庄中一位超過90歲的老者也會說,可惜已中風。而游林旺的長子、長女,也都會說一部分。此外還有游景源、游象勝會講數十個詞彙。過去對於台灣詔安客家話的研究,都集中在雲林二崙、崙背或桃園大溪、八德;雖然詔安客話應該曾是宜蘭地區甚為通用的語言,但是宜蘭的詔安客話從未見完整描述,此點無論對於詔安客話的研究,或是清代宜蘭客家移民的研究,皆屬缺憾。本文將以游林居女士(2008年76歲)為主要發音人,整理出共時音系,並和中古音系做比較,同時臚列壯圍跟各地(褔藉秀篆、桃園大溪、雲林崙背)詔安客話,以及台灣最通用的四縣客家話的異同,指出該方言點的特殊詞彙、構詞乃至音變現象,並說明壯圍詔安客話的山攝開口四等讀細音,在漢語古音理論上的意義。最後 討論宣蘭詔安客話的殘留和轉用情形。


Zhao-an dialect of Hakka was once spread widely all around Taiwan in Ch’ing Dynasty. Most of the villages speaking this tongue have gradually been extinct nowadays, and the well-known residues lie on both Tao-yuan and Yun-lin Counties, which attracts many linguists to conduct their research there. However, Zhao-an speakers in Zhuang-wei Township, Yi-lan County have never been noticed until discovered by a senior local press. The author had investigated there since 2005 to 2007, established its sound inventory through the survey charts of Chinese characters and daily vocabularies. Following the phonological framework of ancient Chinese, and also by making comparisons among related dialects, we unveiled remarkable unique features of Zhuang-wei. Some of them are relatively conservative, keeping the same form as in Zhao-an County, Fu-jian Province; different from the speakers in Yun-lin. Meanwhile, parts of the features are innovative, both phonologically and morphologically, but not overwhelmingly influenced by the dominant local dialect of Southern Min. It is heuristic when Zhuang-wei acts differently from related dialects in division III and IV words of shan rhyme-group. Finally, a brief sketch is made on the language use of those Zhao-an speakers in the whole Yi-lan County.


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呂嵩雁. 1995.《台灣詔安方言稿》,未刊。


