  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


Intelligent Garbage-Can based on Sound Recognition


現今已有利用影像辨識技術進行分類的智慧垃圾桶,但由於垃圾的表面材質繁多是影像辨識的一大困難。本論文實作出以聲音來辨識垃圾種類的智慧垃圾桶,依據垃圾種類掉落撞擊所發出不同的聲響,使用麥克風收音,將樹莓派當作控制中心,輔以伺服馬達、超聲波感測器等硬體設備,以及建立在Keras機器學習套件的Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN)模型完成分類,並且利用雲端即時資料庫Firebase紀錄當前垃圾數量,在垃圾達到定量時提醒使用者。


There has been some implementation using image recognition to do garbage classification, but the material of garbage is a major difficulty in image recognition. This research is a smart trash can identifying the type of garbage based on the sound made by the garbage. The sound is recorded by the microphone, and the Raspberry Pi is used as a control center, supplemented by hardware devices such as servo motors and ultrasonic sensors. Lastly, the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) model, built-in the Keras machine learning kit, is used to complete the classification. Moreover, a cloud database, Firebase, is used to record the current amount of garbage, and it alerts users when the amount of garbage reaches the threshold.
