  • 學位論文

桃園市青埔特區集合住宅案開發規劃及銷售定位:以青平段 105、106、107 地號為例

Development and Marketing Strategy of Condominium in Qinpu Area of Taoyuan City: Qingping Sector Land No. 105, 106, and 107 Case Study

指導教授 : 陳柏翰


桃園市青埔特區在 103 年達到房價與銷售量的最高峰,然而 104 年起容積管制上路、政府調整非自用房屋稅率、研擬房地合一稅制等政策重挫房地產市場。青埔特區在預售投資為大宗的前提下,遭逢前所未見的退屋潮,區域市場餘屋賣壓大增,房市價格跌幅瞬間超過二成。不過房地市場於 107 年開始逐漸回溫,其中因青埔特區各項重大建設相繼確認完工時程,使得 108 年房屋去化量相較於107 年成長高達將近兩倍,讓許多建商恢復信心重啟推案計畫。 本研究透過市場調查與專家訪談深入理解目前青埔特區房地產市場之行情與需求,並透過研究案例青平段第 105、106、107 地號及比較區域內現有其他競爭個案,整理出規劃具有競爭優勢的產品需顧及的細節及步驟。研究結果發現消費者最在意的建案比較基礎除了價格與地點外,還有建商品牌、公設比與室內設計規劃,市場需求從原本的投資型小坪數轉為中坪數的換屋型產品,其中又因為區域內坪數設定的斷層使得規劃 60-80 坪的個案預期最具競爭力,售價方面則根據與主要捷運站的距離、基地量體、公司品牌等而異,目前初估全區均價約 28 萬/坪,但是未來市場行情看好價格將持續成長。


The residential real estate market of Qingpu Area of Taoyuan City met its’ peak both in price and trading volume back in 2014. However, new policies regarding property tax and adjusted floor area ratio (FAR) regulation enforced by the government in 2015 plunged the market severely. The average market price dropped 20% and the selling pressure continued to rise as market demand failed to catch up with supply. Later in 2018, the real estate market in Qingpu Area saw its turning point as major construction projects funded by the government carried through. Trading volume doubled in 2019, giving urban developers the confidence to reinvest into the area. This study aims to analyze Qingpu Area’s condominium market and to deliver the strategic process in designing competitive products by conducting exhaustive market research, interviewing marketing experts, and designing case study Qingping Sector Land No. 105, 106, and 107. Study results indicate that aside from the obvious factors such as location and price, reputation of the developer, building amenities, and the design of interior blueprint are all crucial to consumers in comparing condominium projects. Moreover, market demand shifted from smaller two-bedroom that are once more favorable to investors to larger three to four-bedroom products that meet self-occupancy family demand, in which housing size of roughly 200 to 265 square meters is expected to be the most auspicious in the competitive market. In short, it is appropriate to invest in the area for urban developers at this time and the market is expected to keep flourishing in the next few years.


