  • 期刊


Oscillating Between Developmental State and Neoliberalism of Spatial Development and Governance: A Case Study of the High Speed Rail Taoyuan Station Special District




This study analyzes how the developmental state and neoliberalism work as core mechanisms affecting the development of regional transportation construction. For huge transport infrastructure, it is particularly evident that the land development surrounding projects is considered a means for financial compensation. Thus, developing the surrounding land area of high speed rail stations has become a focus of both local and central governments. High Speed Rail (HSR) station special districts have become a spatial nexus where economic activities and housing projects mushroom. The present study focuses on the policy making process of the special district at the HSR Taoyuan station to understand the structuration of its spatial making. We examine how the oscillation between the developmental state and neoliberalism in spatial development and governance has impacted local and central governance, and local society. We further analyze how regional transport infrastructure serves as a catalyst for regional and local growth. The results show that government intervention is the main driving force for the development of special districts at HSR stations. These districts have become a competitive arena where capitalistic interests negotiate with the governments and among themselves. The arena encompasses pseudo-demands for land and activities in the short run. Both short-term profit-making and spatial speculation make these districts high-risk environments and distort public interests.


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