  • 學位論文


Voicing Hierarchies: Class Narratives in 1980s Taiwan Fiction

指導教授 : 張俐璇


在現今台灣文學史的書寫中,不論是清領古典文學、或是日治時期以降的新文學,就有對底層階級的關懷、甚至工農運動的書寫;而經過1950-1960年代的沉寂期,1970年代曾再度有「階級」議題的蓬勃出現,然而到了1980年代,台灣文學史的「階級」卻被論者指出像是消失了。因此,本論文想要回應的就是這個提問:階級在1980年代的台灣文學史裡,真的消失了嗎?如果沒有,「階級」書寫又用什麼樣的方式存在於1980年代的台灣小說裡? 本論文藉由聽「音」辨「位」這個方法,以「小說角色的話音與小說裡的音樂」作為主要探尋的聲「音」,並以階級/「位」階作為切入視角,去探索1980年代的台灣小說書寫了什麼樣的「階級」書寫。為了聚焦深入分析,本文在思考作家場域位置、作品內可以討論的議題廣度後,選擇了王拓《台北,台北!》、王禎和《美人圖》以及陳映真「白色恐怖三部曲」(〈鈴璫花〉、〈山路〉以及〈趙南棟〉)三部含有音樂的小說作為1980年代台灣小說的代表性文本,藉此來視/聽出不同的階級圖像與階級之聲。在王拓《台北,台北!》裡,可以看到「階級」其實影響了愛國的選擇、男性的求偶焦慮,而台語歌曲則依循著勞動階級跟中產階級兩條線能延伸出不同的「故鄉」意涵;到了王禎和的《美人圖》,會發現故事中的兩首歌曲分隔出了中產階級的崇美(國資本主義)之聲,跟中下階級以降期許保家衛國的聖戰之歌,並能讓我們意識這象徵著在「美援」之後、屬於「自由中國」的台灣能為自己發聲,中下層階級也蓄積了自立的勇氣;最後陳映真的「白色恐怖三部曲」,則可以注意到小說裡書寫的台(灣)語歌曲跟(中)國語歌曲其實都蘊藏了在階級之下的國族焦慮,台(灣)語歌曲蘊含著嫁接日治時代階級運動的意圖,(中)國語歌曲則聯繫了陳映真念茲在茲的左翼「中國」,表現了1980年代「階級」與其他議題密不可分的關係。 最後,本論文指出:1980年代的「階級」書寫其實並未消失,而只是一個主/次的問題:當我們把「階級」放到中心地位時,就能視/聽到1980年代台灣小說裡的「階級之聲」,得以發現「階級」書寫在「國族」及「性別」之間/外呈現的特質與豐富性。


There has been literary works discussing subaltern conditions in Taiwan since Qing Dynasty, continuing throughout the Japanese colonial period. After some silence of two decades, the issue of class became major literary concern again in the 1970s, bus disappeared again in the 1980s, according to literary history. This thesis is a reconsideration of the class issues in 1980s Taiwan fictions: Did class consciousness vanish in 1980s Taiwanese Literature Writing history? If not, why are they not seen? “Voicing hierarchies” denotes my intention to find the voices of fictional characters and the music (sound) in fictional works in 1980s Taiwan and how they voice the issues of class hierarchies. I discuss fictional works by Wang Tuo, Wang Chen-ho and Chen Yingzhen.ei, Taipei! (台北台北), Wang Chen-ho’s Meiren Tu [A Portrait of Beauties] (美人圖), and the “White Terror Trilogy” by Chen Yingzhen,. While Wang Tuo’s Taipei, Taipei! (台北台北) does show the close relation between class and national identity and the anxiety of masculinity, the Taiwanese-language songs implies that the concept of “hometown” means differently to people of different classes. The two songs in Wang Chen-ho’s Meiren Tu [A Portrait of Beauties] (美人圖), on the other hand, represent the voice of American Capitalism (the middle bourgeoisie) and the hymns of patriotism (the working class) respectively. In Chen Yingzhen’s White Terror Trilogy (“Ling Dang Hua” [Bellwort] (鈴璫花), “The Mountain Road” (山路), and “Zhao Nandong” (趙南棟)), the Taiwanese-language and Mandarin songs indicates the identity crisis underneath the class issues: the former shows a desire to reconnect to the class struggles in prewar colonial Taiwan, and the latter those in the Leftist China. In conclusion, the class narratives in 1980s Taiwan fictions did not but became subordinate to other issues, such as gender and national identities. They just need to be “heard”.


