  • 學位論文


The Feasibility Analysis of Contracting Out in Motor Driving License Test: Case Study of Motor Vehicles Office in Taipei City Government

指導教授 : 陳志瑋


近年來由於政府再造,政府實施人事精簡,為加強為民服務品質降低民眾抱怨,所以能委外的業務,盡量委託民間辦理,已是未來發展的趨勢。監理機關為了解決人力不足問題,有必要檢討將汽車駕照考試委外辦理,其可行如何為本研究所探討的主題。因此,本研究之目的: 一、分析目前派督考管理制度執行的狀況,以評估其管理及監督機制是否可以透過委託民間辦理考照,以達解制鬆綁的目的。 二、探討如何透過開放委由民間代考,以提昇臺北市監理業務的服務品質及滿意度。 三、針對派督考管理制度提出建議,以供交通主管機關及公路監理機關作為未來規劃之參考。 論文內容共有六章:第一章包含研究動機、目的與問題、方法、名詞、以及流程;第二章為理論及文獻探討;第三章的研究設計,參考政策方案可行性分析,針對監理單位及駕訓班人員進行深度訪談及實證研究調查。第四章就駕照考照制度之分析,第五章就駕照委外可行性分析,從法律可行性、行政可行性、經濟可行性、政治可行性、環境可行性等加以綜合歸納分析。目的在於探討駕照委託民間機構的可行性之相關分析。 最後,在第六章說明研究發現與建議,根據研究結果顯示,認為駕照委託民間機構考照其可行性高,但需相關配套措施配合;在研究建議方面也提出未來實施道路駕駛考驗制度相關改善措施,俾供交通主管機關未來實施道路駕駛考驗委外考照之參考。


In recent years, the government implements personnel downsizing to achieve its reinventing plan in Taiwan. In order to improve the service quality for citizens, some business transferred or contracted out to private agencies, for example, the driver training schools assume the responsibility of driving license test business , has becoming an issue worthy to discuss. Besides, the problem of human resource insufficiency, also increase the rationality of contracting out driving license test business. The purposes of this research are as follows: 1. Analyze the present system of driver’s license test in Taiwan, and to evaluate its feasibility for contracting out. 2. Discuss the operating process of contracting out from the perspective of increasing service quality. 3. Suggest future directions of driver’s license test contracting out, so that the authority can make the system better. This research consists of six chapters: chapter 1 covers research motivation, the goals and questions of research, the research method etc. Chapter 2 is about literature review. Chapter 3 is research design, which include depth interview and relevant secondary data analysis. Chapter 4 examines the system of driver’s license test. Chapter 5 addresses the feasibility analysis, so that we can evaluate whether we should contract out the driver’s license test to private sector or not. Finally, this essay concludes that it is feasible about the contracting out of driver’s license test. This essay also provides some suggestions to improve this system .


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