  • 學位論文


A Study on the Expanding and Development of the Presbyterian Church in Houlong (1872-1995)

指導教授 : 吳昶興


北部台灣基督長老教會馬偕牧師於1873年4月3日在苗栗縣後壠地區設立新港社教會,1879年10月1日設立後壠禮拜堂。新港教會延續發展41年,就在馬偕牧師過世13年後完全消失;但後龍教會雖曾經浮沉於歷史中,如今仍然持續運作發展。 本研究主要以北部台灣基督長老教會馬偕牧師在後龍鎮所開拓的教會:新港社教會和後龍教會的歷史發展為研究對象。屬地域性的歷史探究,聚焦在個別教會歷史的梳理考證。時間斷限從西元1873年馬偕設立新港社教會為起點,直到後龍教會於1995年完成第二次建堂為主要研究時期。延伸探究中會考慮關閉後龍教會,直到教會轉型成立小組、變成支會,而後於2009年10月升格為堂會的發展軌跡。 從探究後龍地區昔與今歷史人文,理解基督教會在後龍地區的經營,根據後龍地區教會歷任傳道師和信徒在這地的工作,其人其事重現基督徒群體在後龍教會歷史之原貌,進而研究長老教會在後龍的變遷和發展,並歸納前輩宣教智慧,詮釋後龍教會未來宣教經營的可能。


In northern Taiwan's Miao-Li county, the two oldest Presbyterian Church established by George Leslie Mackay were the Xin-Gang Church setup on Apr. 3rd 1873 and the Houlong Church on Oct. 1st 1879. After 41 years of service, the Xin-Gang Church vanished, 13 years after Mackay's death, while Houlong Church continues in service till present days surviving ups and downs of historical tide. The main purpose of this thesis is to study the local geographical history of the above two Presbyterian Churches by focusing on each individual church history. The time span of this study is over 122 years starting from 1873, at the time Xin-Gang Church was established, to 1995 at the completion of the 2nd church hall of Houlong Church. Study extended to cover the historical trace about the transformation of Houlong Church surviving from a shut down ruling consideration by the Hsinchu Presbytery. A transformation team was formed and brought the church together. Later became a branch and finally up to a independent church in Oct. 2009. Based on the understanding of the works that Christianity has done in the Houlong region in the past, including the works done by all the pastors, preachers and the Christians, we can be enlightened by their spirits and wisdom to find out what the future can be and shall be.


