  • 學位論文


The development of Flying Phoenix House in Hakka during Japanese colonial period: A Case Study of Hsinchu Kezailin Fei-Feng Mountain Dai Quan Tang

指導教授 : 吳學明


本文旨在探討清末、日治初期自廣東省陸豐縣傳入一種藉由神意加上簡單藥方來抑制煙癮的方法稱為扶鸞戒煙法,施行於鸞堂,在日治時期於臺灣島內客家地區的傳佈情形。本文以新竹九芎林飛鳯山代勸堂作為個案研究,透過嘗會、契約文書、族譜、私人手稿等一手史料及日治時期各項調查及統計資料,說明客家地區鸞堂由北往南的發展概況。 扶鸞戒煙法傳入後,分別於日治初期在北臺灣及西來庵事件後在中南部掀起二波發展高?,尤其盛行客家地區。北臺灣鸞堂的發展,以新竹為起點,經由宜蘭喚醒堂、新竹九芎林復善堂及代勸堂在此地的奠基後,各自再往北往南擴展,這時期是島內鸞堂蓬勃發展的第一階段,也是鸞生的養成期,但日警以活動太過盛行恐聚眾滋事為由進行取締,1901年秋後各地鸞堂幾乎消聲匿跡。代勸堂是少數留存下來且發展完善的鸞堂之一,它所依恃的條件是什麼,代勸堂自1899~1903先後成立了三個嘗會,嘗會是維繫宗教團體的存續及其分支的基礎,代勸堂在這樣的基礎下持續扶鸞著書至1907年止,可惜往後因嘗會造成內部失和進而影響鸞務,1908年後不再扶鸞,正鸞生楊福來暫離代勸堂重拾教鞭且遊走各處,1915年西來庵事件發生,鸞臺再度遭禁,楊福來遂從日人習佛法、任新職。很快事件落幕,中南部如雨後春筍般堂開處處,形成第二波高?期,但第一階段養成的鸞生或歸家或退隱或老成凋謝有之,對於需才恐急的新立鸞堂,楊福來重新有了舞台,此後他經常帶領鸞生到各堂協助,或教經懺或訓鸞或協助造書,影響遍及新竹州、臺中州及高雄州等地客家區。 在這樣的發展背景下,筆者發現扶鸞戒煙法傳入後分別於閩、客地區各自開展,而客家地區由新竹州、臺中州及高雄州依次往南發展,與客家人口分佈的密度是相符的,換句話說全臺客家人最多的新竹州首先發展再依次是臺中州及高雄州。其次,本文所討論的客家地區鸞堂發展是以個案研究且是區域性的,有別於以往地區性的研究,藉此可一探客家地區鸞堂發展的樣貌。


The objective of this article is to investigate a method to break the habit of smoking by dispensation and simple prescription introduced from Lu Feng County in Guangdong Province during the late Qing Dynasty and early Japanese colonial period. The method is known as Fu-Luan Giving Up Smoking Method and the treatment would be implemented in Flying Phoenix House. The distribution in the Hakka region in Taiwan during Japanese colonial period will also be investigated. This study has adopted Hsinchu Kezailin Fei-Feng Mountain Dai Quan Tang as the case study. Through the historical data such as Chang-Hui, agreements and documents, family tree, private manuscript, and the investigation and statistics in the Japanese colonial period, the development of Flying Phoenix House from north to south in Hakka region is introduced. Since the introduction of Fu-Luan Giving Up Smoking method, it was developed rapidly in two stages in central and southern Taiwan after the North Taiwan and Xi Lai An event during the Japanese colonial period, especially in the Hakka area. The development of Flying Phoenix House in northern Taiwan started from Hsinchu, Yilan Huan Xing Tang, Hsinchu Kezailin Fu Shan Tang and Dai Quan Tang. Then it was developed towards the north and south of Taiwan. It was the primary stage of Flying Phoenix House development and was the developing period of it. Since the activity was too common, the Japanese police banned it to avoid from mobbing. Since the autumn of 1901, the Flying Phoenix House almost disappeared in Taiwan. It was one of the Flying Phoenix Houses, for which it came down and developed perfectly. What were the reasons for such development? The Dai Quan Tang has founded three Chang-Hui during 1899 - 1903. The Chang-Hui is the foundation maintaining the religious group and the branches. Under such situation, the Dai Quan Tang continued to develop Fu-Luan until 1907. It was pity that the development of the affairs was affected by the estrangement between the Chang-Hui. After 1908, the Fu-Luan affair was stopped. The chairman Yang Fu Lai left the Dai Quan Tang temporary, and engaged in education again and traveled in different area. After the occurrence of Xi Lai An event in 1915, the development of Flying Phoenix House was banned again. Then Yang Fu Lai learnt Buddha dharma from Japanese and held new position. The event had come to the end very soon and the Flying Phoenix Houses were mushroomed in central and southern Taiwan that became the second stage of development. However, the chairmen trained in the first stage retired or were too old. The new Flying Phoenix Houses need talents urgently. Therefore, this provided a new stage to Yang Fu Lai. Since then, he always brought the members to different Flying Phoenix Houses, and they assisted them to teach sutras, live with god, and publish the books. This affected the Hakka area such as Hsinchu State, Taichung State and Kaohsiung State. Under such background, the author found that since the introduction of Fu-Luan Giving Up Smoking Method, it developed in Fujian and Hakka area respectively. In Hakka area, it developed from Hsinchu State, Taichung State to the southern Taiwan Kaohsiung State. This was in accordance with the Hakka population distribution. In other words, it developed first in Hsinchu State that had most Hakka population in Taiwan, and then it developed to Taichung State and Kaohsiung State. The development of Flying Phoenix House in Hakka area discussed in this article is a case study and regional. It is different from the previous local study, and the development and pattern of Flying Phoenix House in Hakka area will be shown.




劉玉嬌(2011)。從明復堂到存仁院--財團法人存仁院慈善事業基金會研究 (1900-1945)〔碩士論文,國立交通大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6842/NCTU.2011.00027
