  • 學位論文

運用英語歌詞訓練於課堂對台灣大學生英語聽力 及單字學習的影響

The Effects of Lyrics Training on Listening Achievement and Vocabulary Acquisition in a University EFL Classroom

指導教授 : 陳姿青


音樂已經被證明可用於創造一個愉快,輕鬆和激勵的學習氣氛,讓英語作為外語學習者(EFL)降低學習壓力且能讓學習變得更有效率。而透過英文歌詞學習英語有助於擴大詞彙量,提升聽力,打破文化障礙,減少外口音壓力和學習英文片語。因此,本研究的目的在於探討運用歌詞訓練手機應用程式“Lyrics Tap”做為英語學習的工具,是否能有效提升大學生的聽力、單字的學習及學習動機,。研究對象來自台灣中部一所大學的34名大一學生,研究期間為一個學期,運用混合研究方法。由多個資料來源收集數據,其中包括:聽力前後測、單字前後測、學生每週歌詞訓練成績、研究人員的課堂觀察記錄及學期末課程評估調查。 量化統計資料來自於聽力及單字測試的前後測分數、學生每週歌詞訓練成績及學期末課程評估,結果顯示學生的英語聽力和單字量均有顯著地進步。而研究人員的課室觀察及學期末課程評估之質性研究結果顯示歌詞訓練APP用於加強聽力和字彙對於學生的學習呈現正向的影響。並且認為此APP是一個有效的學習工具。


It has been proven that music can create a pleasant, relaxing and motivating atmosphere that allows English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners feel less stressful and consequently, learn more effectively. Learning EFL through lyrics helps expand vocabulary, advance listening ability, break culture barriers, reduce difficulty in understanding foreign-sounding accents, and acquire essential conversational English phrases. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of lyrics training as an alternative learning tool for EFL listening. This study was conducted with 34 freshmen students from one university in central Taiwan as participants. A mixed research method was used to collect data from multiple sources: scores of pre- and post-course listening tests and vocabulary tests, analysis of students’ lyrics training tasks, classroom observations by the researchers, and an end-of-semester course evaluation survey. The quantitative data from the end-of-semester survey, and the pre-test and post-test provided the evidence for students’ significant improvement in their English listening and vocabulary acquisition skills. The qualitative data from researchers’ observations and the end-of-semester survey showed that students’ overall perceptions toward the use of “Lyrics Tap” mobile application were significantly positive. According to the results, this type of lyrics training was an effective medium for positively influencing students’ EFL listening and vocabulary acquisition skills.


M-Learning mobile applications lyrics training EFL


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