  • 期刊


A Study of the Future Development of Taiwan's Digital Archived~From the Digital Publisher's View


隨著電腦科技越來越進步,許多的傳統產業也紛紛的走向了科技化。為加強國際競爭力、增加更多的就業機會、維護人民生活環境的品質、促進國內經濟的發展,因此政府選擇推動具有優勢的重點產業。但是在這幾年的努力之下,台灣的數位典藏(Digital Archived)發展,並不像美國、中國、日本等國家有顯著的發展。如何想將數位典藏附加價值化、如何將數位典藏形成一種產業,是現在台灣業者所最需求的。本研究旨在探討國內數位出版業者對於數位典藏現狀的看法和探討數位典藏未來的發展。經過訪談之後發現,資料再利用不足、使用規格不統一,為目前台灣數位典藏所遭遇到的問題。因此,業者們希望提倡使用者付費的觀念、版權問題、多元化的載體與多重運用的格式,和政府必須要大力推動相關法令與標準平台等方法,才能有效的改變現況。讓台灣的數位內容就像水與電一樣,方便取得與再利用。


數位典藏 數位出版


Following the progressing of computer technology, many traditional industries are also moving into this information technology market. Therefore the government is choosing and imputing the key industry that has superiority to strengthen the international competition, increases the more employment opportunity, maintains the lives of the people environment quality, and promotion domestic economy development. In recent years, under the support of government founding, many institutes has several projects that develop the Digital Archived. However, Taiwan's development of the Digital Archived does not like those in the US, China, Japan which already has already built the infrastructure for the digital industries. How to add the value of the Digital Archived and how to form the Digital Archived industry are the most important quests that Taiwan's digital industry most demanded. The purpose of this study is to investigate Taiwan Digital Publish industry's point of views that regard the current Digital Archived situations and the needs of future development. Through the interview, it is found that the major problems of Taiwan's Digital Archived are the lack of data reprocess and the miss of the standard formats. The idea of user pay the expense, the copyright issue, and multi-carriers with multi-usages problem are also concerns by the publishing industry. They all believe that the government should play the major role that helps the industries to resolve those problems. With proper direction and efforts, the Taiwan's Digital Archived will be like water and electricity that very easy to obtain and reuse in the near future.


