  • 期刊


The Practical Application of the Steel Pipe-Wall Method to Control Debris Flow and Landslides-A Case Study of Houyenshan Landslides




The geology of Houyenshan, Miaoli County, is Pleistocene Toukoshan formation, and major gravel beds with thin layers of muddy sandstone. Landslides, detritus slides and debris flows are easily induced by heavy rainfall. It has been officially declared a natural conservation area. From the satellite image, we can see a mass of united alluvial fan on the north bank of the Da-an river impacting its water flow. Meanwhile, the gravel congeries mainly induced by No.1 gully are reaching the east portal of the tunnel along No. 140 county road. However, using the steel pipe-wall method to control the landslide and debris flow can be a good solution. This will prevent debris flows from first occurring. This paper proposes the basic analysis and design steps of a steel pipe wall. Meanwhile, some practical considerations for construction, such as the antirust arrangement of the steel pipe emersion, determination of the casing driver, cost analysis of a single steel pipe etc., are explored.
