  • 期刊


Experience of Caring for a Septic Shock Patient with Lower Extremity Gangrene Induced by Vasoconstriction from Usage of Vasopressors




For patients who experience septic shock and developing hypotension complications that cannot be managed through emergency fluid resuscitation, vasopressors become an essential option. However, inducing vasoconstriction over an extensive period leads to high risk of dermal necrosis, hence advances into gangrene. This study examines the nursing experience of a patient who ultimately developed gangrene in the lower extremities from using vasopressors during septic shock. The nursing period spanned from May 15 to June 20 of 2015. The author participated in direct caring for the patient, applied Gordon's 11 Functional Health Patterns Assessment to collect both subjective and objective data through methods such as observations, physical examinations, and conversations. Hence confirmed the patient's problems include existing infection, impaired tissue integrity, and body image disturbance. In order to avoid administering drugs through the veins in the lower extremities, vasopressor infusion was terminated at an early stage and peripheral circulation was closely monitored to avoid secondary infection. Additionally, by building rapport with the patient, the patient gradually recognized and accepted the body image change, ultimately relieved body image disturbance. Although the patient faced amputation, through the joint effort of the medical teams, no other complications occurred and the patient accepted the wound with a positive and optimistic attitude. Peripheral cyanosis often occurs during clinical practices when vasopressors are administered to patients, which may develop into gangrene. Therefore, this study recommends education pamphlets on vasopressors to be designed for relieving patient families' concerns. Furthermore, it is necessary for medical teams to formulate a medication administration protocol and a medication dosage checklist to ensure patient's medication safety. This nursing experience hopefully serves as a reference for providing care to similar patients in the future.


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