  • 期刊


Validity and Reliability of Measurement in the Range of Neck Motion


Accurate measurement of range of motion of joints is very important for the medical personnel. The data are used for setting a treatment program, monitoring of the progress and evaluating the treatment effect. The objective measurement will also help to motivate the patient by informing the progress. Many instruments have been used to measure the range of motion of the neck. The diverse instruments and techniques used in defining cervical spine mobility reflect the difficulty of accurate measurement of range of motion in neck extension and flexion by three different instruments, i.e. universal goniometer (OG GLKEN Co.), fluid-based inclinometer (ISOMEO) and electronic digital inclinometer (CYBEX ED 1320). Standard value of neck motion was defined as 130 degrees which was measured from lateral views of X-rays at neck flexion and extension positions. Both fluid-based inclinometer and electronic digital inclinometer have the superior validity than universal goniometer by comparing the means and standard deviations of range of motion to the standard value (127.9±9.1 & 126.9±7.4 degrees vs. 94.2±16.9 degrees). According to the time comsumption measurement, inclinometers are more convenience than goniometer (10.6±3.3 & 10.4±2.5 sec. vs. 26.1±13.4 sec.). In conclusion, the fluid- based inclinometer and electronic digital inclinometer are superior to the universal goniometer in validity, reliability and convenience.


關節活動度 信賴度 墨角器 頸椎


Accurate measurement of range of motion of joints is very important for the medical personnel. The data are used for setting a treatment program, monitoring of the progress and evaluating the treatment effect. The objective measurement will also help to motivate the patient by informing the progress. Many instruments have been used to measure the range of motion of the neck. The diverse instruments and techniques used in defining cervical spine mobility reflect the difficulty of accurate measurement of range of motion in neck extension and flexion by three different instruments, i.e. universal goniometer (OG GLKEN Co.), fluid-based inclinometer (ISOMEO) and electronic digital inclinometer (CYBEX ED 1320). Standard value of neck motion was defined as 130 degrees which was measured from lateral views of X-rays at neck flexion and extension positions. Both fluid-based inclinometer and electronic digital inclinometer have the superior validity than universal goniometer by comparing the means and standard deviations of range of motion to the standard value (127.9±9.1 & 126.9±7.4 degrees vs. 94.2±16.9 degrees). According to the time comsumption measurement, inclinometers are more convenience than goniometer (10.6±3.3 & 10.4±2.5 sec. vs. 26.1±13.4 sec.). In conclusion, the fluid- based inclinometer and electronic digital inclinometer are superior to the universal goniometer in validity, reliability and convenience.
