  • 期刊


The Mechanisms of Manufacturing Consent during Labor Process


本研究主要基於勞動過程的反省,探討當代企業組織管理者對於勞動過程的管理與控制。從勞動過程的角度,研究者以Burawoy (1979)的「趕工遊戲」理論作爲本研究之重心,利用其所發展的三大勞動過程控管機制作爲架構,探索勞動者爲何會自願性的投入勞動過程,而又爲何會展現組織公民行爲。 本研究發現多數員工一旦投入工作,隨即捲入一連串的「趕工遊戲」,這個遊戲並非一精心設計的賽局,而是類似現在流行的互動式電腦遊戲,參與遊戲的人(包括設計者)並不一定知道遊戲的最終結局。所有人都參與遊戲的設計,也引導遊戲的發展,因此這種被設計一半的遊戲反而更引人入勝,因爲每個人都對這歷程的發展有影響力。透過遊戲過程,勞資雙方逐漸了解自己、了解其存在於組織的意義,勞動者願意投身一連串的勞動過程,並引發公民行爲。勞動過程成爲勞資雙方實踐自我的重要關鍵。 透過質性資料分析,本論文以個案研究呈現組織公民行爲氛圍,藉以對於Burawoy所提出的勞動過程架構加以反省。本研究試圖從機制運作角度分析勞資關係的深層意涵,一方面檢視並解釋Burawoy理論,另一方面從理論與質性資料的思辯整理過程中反省自願性服從機制的勞資關係意涵。


This paper examines the need to adjust managerial control within the context of contemporary business, by reflecting on employees' labor process. This study approaches the phenomena of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) from the standpoint of labor process control, giving attention to the operation of the ”making out game” developed by Burawoy (1979). Analyzing the OCB case, the research aims at finding an explanation for manufacturing consent and developing OCB in an organization. It proposes that most employees are involved in a series of ”making out games”, as soon as they devote themselves to work. The game is not necessarily an elaborate one, but is similar to the human-computer interaction game that is so popular nowadays. No participant may know the results of the game, but they are all involved in the continuous interactions. All participate in the game design process to make the game more attractive to the participants, because they all contribute their efforts to the development. During the practice, participants find out their own destinations and enjoy the results of their efforts. Because of the interactions, both employees and employers gradually understand their own meanings of work. The labor process becomes the key that enables both employees and employers to fulfill themselves socially. This study relies upon qualitative evidences to reflect on the existing theoretical framework of labor process proposed by Burawoy. Using the case study method as a research strategy, the researcher demonstrates an OCB case and tries to explore the deep meaning of labor relations. Not only does the researcher examine and explain how to apply Burawoy's theoretical framework to the case, but he also reflects, by way of qualitative analysis, on industrial relations during the process of manufacturing consent.


