  • 期刊


Contraceptive Behaviors in Violent Couples: A Descriptive Pilot Study


目的:以避孕作為執行生育計畫的主要方法,如何選擇及使用避孕方法,深受夫妻雙方之心理、婚姻及社會因素影響。在婚姻暴力的衝突中,配偶之間因其「權力與控制」互動形式而呈現其暴力特徵。本研究擬針對此類廣泛性存在於暴力婚姻關係中的「權力與控制」情境,探討此一婚姻家庭中的避孕行為情況。 材料與方法:本研究收集因婚姻暴力傷害而至某綜合醫院家庭醫學科門診就醫的受虐婦女。本研究乃登錄病歷紀錄中有關受虐婦女的年齡、學歷、婚齡、與受虐時間,以結構化評估避孕行為:(1)有無採取任何方式的避孕行為?(2)有無避孕的原因為何?(3)施虐者對於避孕的看法為何?所得到的結果依受虐婦女的敘述記載於病歷中。 結果:本研究自民國89年9月至90年5月,九個月間共診治因婚姻暴力傷害而至醫院門診就醫之受虐婦女合計100人,其中有93人之病歷記載完整而納入為本研究之研究對象。其平均年齡為36.9±8.4歲,而平均婚齡為12.5±8.3。目前有避孕行為者,計有74人(76.9%),其教育程度分別為:國小以下,12.9%;國/初中,17.2%;高中/職,48.4%;大專以上,21.5%。受虐婦女的避孕行為明顯較少使用男用保險套。而女性避孕法的使用,男用保險套使用率均低於全國之有偶婦女,口服避孕藥及子宮內避孕器之使用率高於全國之有偶女性。使用女性結紮方法者,教育程度在高中職以下者受虐婦女高於有偶婦女,但大專以上學歷者,則有偶婦女高於受虐婦女。在避孕各種原因中以子女數目足夠而藉避孕停育最為常見,29.7%;其次為先生的暴力行為,27.0%。使用女性避孕法的避孕原因,其多樣異質性遠較使用男性避孕法的避孕原因來得更為明顯。 結論:本研究發現受虐婦女承擔大部分避孕的責任。受虐婦女獨自擔負生育、照顧者雙重角色,並被迫要求配合,而個案中以被控制的角色接受永久性避孕為明顯。避孕行為方面,為具有控制本質的避孕方法,提供暴力婚姻關係中任一方對女性身體的操控工具。


Purpose: Contraception, far beyond birth number control, is deeply influenced by couples' psychological, marital and social factors. In order to evaluate power struggle issues in the course of contraception, this study is aimed to investigate the contraceptive potential of the violent couples. Material and Method: Battered women who visited a clinic of a general hospital founded in this study. Their chart records went under reviewing of age, education level, time since marriage, time since the first episode of violence. Additionally, structural interview was performed as contraceptive methods adopted, the reason to apply contraception, and the couples' view of contraception usage. Results: There were a total of 100 battered women visiting the clinic form Sep 2000 to May 2001, and 93 with complete records. The mean age was 36.9±8.4 years. Current contraceptives were used by 74 (76.9%), with the education level as elementary school, 12.9% junior high school, 17.2%; junior high school, 48.4%; college or above, 21.5%. As compared with the general population, less condoms, more pills and intrauterine devices (IUD) were used. Tubal ligation was used more by battered women of the education level under junior high school, but comparatively less in the education levels of college and above. The two most frequently reasons to use contraception were: already having expected children and husband's violence. Conclusion: Most of the battered women took the responsibility of contraception. Due to lack of support under power struggle, being in a controlled and powerless circumstance resulted in the way for battered women to use contraceptives as the method of manipulating their bodies.
