  • 期刊


A Study on Detecting R Wave of ECG based on Fuzzy Inference Mechanism


本論文應用模糊推論機制來輔助心率變異(Heart Rate Variability, HRV)之分析,並提出一個基於雙平均視窗機制之心電圖R波偵測機制。此偵測機制是由PT_QRS偵測機制、雙平均視窗機制、搜尋機制、區間式參數調整及RR間距模糊推論機制所組成,以正確找到心電圖的R波位置,然後進行心率變異分析。由實驗結果可知所提出的方法可以有效地偵測心電圖的R波位置以及過濾不符合正常人心電圖之RR間距。


This paper applies fuzzy inference mechanism to assist in analyzing the heart rate variability (HRV) and proposes a double-mean window approach to detect R wave of electrocardiogram (ECG). The proposed approach is composed of a Pan & Tompkins_QRS detection mechanism, a double-mean window mechanism, a sorting mechanism, an interval parameter adjustment, and an RR interval fuzzy inference mechanism, which can correctly detect the position of R wave of ECG and then proceed with the HRV. The experimental results show that the proposed approach can work effectively for detecting R wave of ECG and filtering the abnormal RR interval for normal people.
