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The Significant Role and Practice of the Tumen River Area Development Program in Northeast Asia's Regional Security


後冷戰時期的安全概念已有轉變,國際關係著名學者Barry Buzan的「安全複合體」(security complex)概念,正是能顯示此轉變的概念。本文藉由此概念觀察1991年聯合國開發總署(UNDP)將圖們江經濟開發地區發展列為區域合作開發重要項目,隨後中、俄、朝、韓、蒙、日六國取得共識,使開發計畫啟動東北亞各國經濟合作的契機。從此概念更能理解圖們江區域開發計畫關係到的不只是參與各國的經濟利益,亦關係到各國對東北亞區域安全合作。因為聯合國主導的各區域開發計畫期望將可提升當地居民生活水準,有效預防衝突,促進國際和平。


The concept of security has changed greatly since the end of the Cold War, Barry Buzan's ”security complex” has represented the change exactly. Through this concept, I try to explore the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) incorporated the Tumen River Area Development Program (TRADP) into one of crucial plans of regional ccooperation and development in 1991, six countries, People's Republic of China, Russian Federation, People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Mongolia, and Japan reached consensus in the plan, activating the economic cooperation among Northeast Asian countries. With the concept of security complex, we can understand the TRADP pertains not only to interests of participatory countries but also to the contribution from participatory countries to regional security cooperation. The UN's purpose of creating this regional cooperation development program is to promote the locals' life quality, to prevent conflicts effectively, and to foster international peace.


