  • 期刊


Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management in Biology and Ecology


在監測與調適性機制理念下,吾人建立“生態系經營規劃模式”,無論森林資源保育評估、決策、執行與監測之進行,準則和指標都是森林經營相當重要的指引。準則和指標(Criteria and Indicators, C&I)是評估森林狀況、趨勢和提昇永續森林經營的工具。他們提供邁向全球永續發展國際合作上的一個共同的原則。目前超過一百個國家分布於不同地理氣候區,正在對不同的層級制定不同的準則和指標。朝向使用準則和指標的新時代,以創新的方式來看待森林。本研究主要參考世界不同林業組織、國家訂定的準則和指標,再配合臺灣現況,就生物生態方面草擬出臺灣生態系經營的準則和指標,其內容包括「森林資源準則」、「生物多樣性準則」、「國土保安準則」、「森林健康與活力準則」、「森林生產力準則」、「碳吸存貢獻準則」等六大方面,並利用問卷調查的方法,收集林業從業人員的建議,進行可行性評估,整合專家學者的意見,進行適應性評估,最後依據幾何平均數及四分位法,擬定台灣永續發展之指標共17個指標範疇,45個項目,建立台灣空間地理資料庫,並利用其資料庫來進行分析評估,藉以提供生態系經營的資訊及臺灣林業發展的依據,並建立臺灣林業未來經營的方針、計畫與評估監測。但如何簡化這些指標、設定基準值、監測評估期間的訂定以及自動評估、警幟系統的建立,仍有待再研究。


We developed the ”Ecosystem Management Planning Model” under the concept of monitoring and adaptive mechanism. No matter what forest resource conservation assessment, decision-making, implementation and monitoring, it is very important for us to define the criteria and indicators (C&Is) of ecosystem management (EM). C&Is are tools to assess the tendency of forest condition and promote sustainable forest management. They could be provided the common principles for us to do sustainable development and international cooperation. There are over 100 countries distributed in different geographical climate area are developing various criteria and indicators of different levels. These countries are approaching to a new paradigm in applying criteria and indicators to sustaibable management with new viewpoints of forestry. In the paper, we collected many C&Is which established by forestry organizations and countries in the world. To consider these C&Is with the forest condition now in Taiwan, we try to propose the C&Is of EM in Taiwan. It contains ”forest resources criteria”, ”biological diversity criteria”, ”land to ensure safety of the public criteria”, ”forest ecosystem health and vitality criteria”, ”forest productive criteria”, and ”contribution to carbon cycles criteria”. We used questionnaire methods to collect the opinions of foresters for suitabaility assessment and multidisciplinary experts for capability assessment of C&Is. There are 17 indicators and 45 items were drawn up for sustainable forest management. We applied and analyzed the spatial geo-referenced database of EM in Taiwan to assess the proposed C&Is. With the C&Is, geo-referenced information of forest ecosystem management, we could set up the policy, planning, assessment and monitoring for forest management in Taiwan. How to simplify the indicators of each criteria, baseline setting, assessment period, and developing risk-flag system are the key objectives in the following research.


