  • 期刊


Study of Water Quality Characteristlcs in Recreatlonal Areas o Hot Spring in Taiwan


本研究將應用因子分析法探討台灣溫泉休閒遊憩地區水質特性,並計算各因子之得分(score),並繪製其空間分佈,探討因子得分與Piper水質圖、溫泉地質分類(火成岩與非火成岩)、酸鹼值(酸性與非酸性)、溫度(高溫與低溫)關係。由分析結果顯示溫泉水質可區分爲三個水質因子,因子一推測爲火成岩溫泉水質特性,主要組成包含SO4(上標 2-)、K(上標 +)、Mg(上標 2+)、Ca(上標 2+)、PH ,因子二推測爲非火成岩溫泉水質特性,主要組成包含C1(上標 -)、HCO3(上標 -)、Na(上標 +),因子三推測爲溫泉水溫特性,主要組成包括水溫與SiO2。因子一高得分區域位於北部大屯山溫泉休閒遊憩地區,因子二高得分區域位於台中崙與關仔嶺溫泉休閒遊憩區,因子三高得分區爲中央山脈南、北南區域。以Piper水質圖觀察因子一與因子二,分別落於Ⅲ與Ⅳ區、Ⅰ區,代表因子一爲火山地區與海水入侵之水質特性,因子二可能爲一般深憎層自由含水層地下水水質特性與海水入侵之水質特性。比較溫泉水質溫、酸鹼值、地質分類之後,發現溫泉地質上形成方式,對於溫泉水質變化最具有顯著差異,溫泉酸鹼值次之,溫泉水溫對於水質影響泉水,僅與二氧化矽有關。


This study used factor analysis to explore water quality of recreational hot springs in Taiwan, and computed and mapped scores of factors. Scores of factors were plotted in a Piper diagram to discuss their formations of recreational hot springs. Three classifications of hot spring-geological formations (volcanic of non-volcanic hot springs), pH (acid or non-acid hot springs) and temperatures (low or high temperatures) were adopted to examine scores of factors. The study results reveal that there are three factors of water quality of hot springs in Taiwan. Factor 1 which includes SO4(superscript 2-)4, K(superscript +), Mg(superscript 2+), Ca(superscript 2+) and pH present characteristics of water quality of volcanic hot springs. Factor 2 which contains C1(superscript -), HCO(superscript -)3 and Na(superscript +) exhibits characteristics of water quality of non-volcanic hot springs, Factor 3 which includes temperature and SiO2 presents thermal characteristics of water quality of hot springs, Factor 1 with a high score is distributed in hot springs of the Da-Twen Mountain. Factor 2 with a high score is situated in hot springs of the Chung-Lun and Kuan-Tzu-Ling in Tainan. Factor 3 with a high score presents in hot springs of the northern and southern Central Maintain. According to the Piper's diagram, factor 1 falls into zones Ⅲ and Ⅳ, representing that the formation of hot springs are associated with volcanic activities and seawater intjusion, respectively, Factor 2 falls into zonesⅠand Ⅳ, representing that the water quality of hot springs are similar to that of deep unconfined groundwater and is associated with seawater intrusion, respectively. To compare with the three classifications in hot springs, geological formations of hot springs have a more significant difference in water quality than the other classifications.


Factor analysis Hot spring Water quality Piper's diagram pH
