  • 期刊


Determining an Optimal Simulation on River Habitat Composite Suitability Index: A Case Study of Farzi River


本研究以台灣原生魚種(明潭吻鰕虎)作為指標生物,於筏子溪研究河段進行棲地調查,建立河川棲地模式(River 2D),探討不同綜合適合度指數(Composite Suitability Index, CSI)模擬指標魚種棲地分布之變化,並以現地調查之魚獲分布結果,作為選取最適綜合適合度指數的依據。根據研究結果顯示:以只考慮底質因子之綜合適合度指數(CSI1)其模擬結果最佳,其次為只考慮水深因子之綜合適合度指數(CSI3)及以流速、水深及底質三個因子之幾何平均綜合適合度指數(CSI5)較佳,以流速、水深及底質三個因子乘積之綜合適合度指數(CSI4)之模擬結果最差。其原因可能為研究河段之指標魚種為底棲性魚種,故只考慮底質因子之CSI1為最合適之綜合適合度指數。


The native Taiwanese fish species, Rhinogobius candidianus, is used for the bio-indicator in this study. Habitat investigations and river habitat model, River 2D, in the study reach of Farzi River had been implemented. Different combinations of Composite Suitability Index (CSI) were used to simulate the habitat distribution for the selected indicator fish species. The simulation result judgments were verified by field investigation data for the indicator fish species and determined the optimal CSI combination. From the study results, the CSI1 derived from only substrate reaches the first optimal simulations; the CSI3 derived from only water depth and the geometric average CSI5 derived from velocity, water depth, and substrate reach the second optimal simulations; the CSI4 derived from velocity, water depth, and substrate reaches the worst simulations. The most possible reason for this study case may cause by Rhinogobius candidianus, a benthopelagic fish species. Therefore, CSI1 derived from only substrate can reach the most optimal results.


