  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Geometric Modeling of Plant Leaves Aided with Image Processing Techniques




A geometric modeling method and software based on image processing technique and computer graphics were established to describe various types of plant leaves. The leaf shape can be effectively acquired from leaf image and converted to Bezier curves using automatic fitting to the leaf boundary points. The constructed model can be used to describe leaf shape with various degrees of accuracy. The geometric model was mainly composed of two Bezier curves that can be further developed into Bezier surfaces for 3-dimensional model. Fourteen typical leaf shapes were tested with this modeling approach and the results revealed that ten of them - lanceolate, ovate, elliptical, oblong, cordate, orbicular, linear, fascia, rhombate and reniform - can be described with two Bezier curves with sufficient accuracy. The area error, fitting error and contour error between the real and modeled leaf shapes were less than 5%, 10% and 4%, respectively. For the other four leaf shapes - spathulate, denta-spathulate, cello-shaped and deltoid - more segments of Bezier curves were necessary for a good fitting. This paper meticulously describes the image processing algorithms to extract leaf shape, and the methods in constructing the 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional geometric models. The applications of the leaf shape model were also demonstrated with examples of constructing virtual plants using computer graphics.


