  • 期刊


RAPD Markers of Celery (Apium graveolens L.) Cultivars in Taiwan


為建立本地芹菜地方品種之種原資料並探討各品種之間的親緣關係,本試驗共調查十二個本地芹菜品種、三個引進品種、三個西洋芹菜品種及一個根芹菜品種,從芹菜形態特性配合RAPD分析,以了解本地芹菜之遺傳岐異度、引進品種與本地芹之間及本地芹與西洋芹間的遺傳距離,供為育種及種原保存的參考。試驗包括親緣較遠之鴨兒芹與芫荽做為對照。依葉片顏色可將本地芹菜品種區分為青梗青葉、青梗白葉與白梗黃葉三群;西洋芹則可區分為綠色種與黃色種;根芹菜葉色深綠。依葉柄特性則分成葉柄中空(本地芹、根芹菜、‘Mini White’)與葉柄實心(西洋芹)。由11個逢機引子擴增出93個多型性條帶,RAPD分析結果顯示所有本地芹菜品種間的相似度係數介於0.75-0.90。以‘芹菜白弄’與‘芹菜青弄’兩品種相似度最高,‘青筒種’及‘海南青’間相似度最低。群聚分析與PCO(principal coordinate analysis)分析結果,均將本地芹與其他芹分開。三個食用抽苔花梗的品種和‘黃心白骨青葉’同聚一群。其他本地芹品種分成兩群;一群與食用花梗的種類較近,包括兩個喜樹地方品種。另一群包括常見的‘黃心芹’、‘海南青’、‘田尾黃心’、‘宜蘭芹’等品種。外來品種中,‘夏芹’和‘脆芹一號’與根芹菜較相近,而‘Mini White’與西洋芹較為接近。


葉芹 遺傳岐異度 種原 芹菜變種


RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) markers were used to identify and classify the smallage(A. graveolens L. var. secalinum) cultivars in Taiwan, together with some morphological characterization. In this study 12 local smallage cultivars, three introduced, three celery (var. dulce) and one celeriac (var. rapaceum) cultivar were screened for their genetic diversity, also relationship between local and introduced cultivars. One cultivar for both Japanese honewort and coriander were also included for comparison. Morphologically, local smallage cultivars may be classified based on leaf color into three groups, namely, 'green petiole green leaf', 'green petiole white leaf' and 'white petiole yellow leaf'. Celery cultivars may be grouped into 'green type' and 'self-blanching type'; while celeriac was grouped by itself by dark green leaf. According to the petiole structure, smallage and celeriac had hollow petioles and celery had solid petioles. For RAPD analysis, 93 polymorphic markers were produced from 11 arbitrary primers. Genetic similarity coefficient between paired local smallages ranged between 0.75 and 0.90, with the closest relationship between 'White-Torng' and 'Green-Torng'. 'Green-Torng' and 'Hainan-Chin' were most distantly related. Results of cluster analysis and principal coordinate analysis showed that the cultivars were uniquely identifiable and local smallages separate from all other celeries. Three smallage cultivars, 'White-Torng' , 'Green-Torng' and 'Chin-Torng', all grown for their fleshy flower stems were grouped with 'Huang-Hsin white stem green leaf'. The other local smallage cultivars were clustered into two groups. One group being closer to the flower stalk group included two landraces from His-Su area of Tainan; the other group included common cultivars like 'Huang-Hsin', 'Yi-Lan' and 'Hainan-Chin'. The introduced variety 'Mini White' although morphologically closer to local smallage cultivars, was clustered to celery cultivars. Another two introduced cultivars 'Summer' and 'Crisp No.1', were grouped in cluster closer to celeriac.


smallage genetic diversity germplasm celery variety

