  • 期刊


Machine Learning: An Application of Text Mining to Xi's Grand External Propaganda Strategy




"China's image" has undergone a dramatic transformation as China keeps expanding its international influence through its rising sharp power. In particular, much of the propaganda work under Xi Jinping has been carried out through a "Grand External Propaganda Strategy". Growing concerns about the implications of this strategy demand a closer look at its characteristics and practice. Yet, there is a major methodological challenge of analyzing massive amounts of data efficiently and accurately while not relying solely on personal understandings. To solve this challenge, digital methods are required, which will be the topic of this paper. This research collated Xi's speeches into a database and developed digital tools to process and analyze "China's Sharp Power" and "Grand External Propaganda Strategy." It uses text mining and machine learning, as well as adopting the "Latent Dirichlet Allocation" (LDA) model to extract the main themes from various propaganda texts in order to identify the political messages and ideologies the Chinese top leadership tried to communicate. This paper demonstrates that there are significant differences between speeches on domestic topics: DIPLOMACY, ECONOMICS and ECOLOGY, and on externally directed topics: PARTY-BUILDING, POLITICS and DEFENCE. This research collected Xi's massive political speeches to a database, developed digital tool to process them, and analyzed "China Sharp Power" and "Grand External Propaganda Strategy" to explore the unknown future.


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