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Effect of Oral Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) Supplementation on post-exercise Training Recovery Capacity in Male Badminton Players


目的:本研究之目的為觀察口服脫氫表雄甾酮(dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA)對羽球專項運動訓練後的運動恢復能力之影響。方法:在一般訓練期間共12位男子羽球隊員參與本研究,實驗設計為雙盲配對設計,依據體脂肪比率平均分為兩組,DHEA補充組(DHEA, n=6),安慰劑組(Placebo, n =6)。所有受試者經過一週停止訓練後,接受七天標準之羽球專項訓練,同時每天給予DHEA(100毫克/天)或安慰劑。訓練前後,口服葡萄糖耐受度測試(oral glucose tolerance test,OGTT)於空腹時實施,同時訓練期間對每日空腹之血清DHEA-S、肌酸激酶(CK)與睪固酮(testosterone)濃度亦進行評估。結果:本研究發現,一週羽球專項訓練可有效提高胰島素敏感度與葡萄糖耐受度,但不受DHEA補充之影響。另外,口服DHEA補充可明顯提高血清DHEA-S濃度與血清睪固酮濃度,並且顯著降低劇烈運動後之血清肌酸激酶反應。結論:對男子優秀羽球運動員,口服DHEA補充明顯降低運動引發之肌肉損傷,其機制可能透過提高DHEA-S與增加睪固酮產量之壓力緩衝效應所達成。


Purpose: The purpose of current investigation is to determine the effect of oral DHEA supplementation on post-exercise recovery capacity in elite male badminton players. Methods: Twelve well-trained male badminton players were balanced with body fat percentage and divided into two groups: DHEA-S (N=6) and Placebo (N=6). Subjects were performed a 7-day standard badminton-specific training program with given either DHEA (100 mg/ day) or placebo (flour in capsule) following 7 days detraining. Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was performed before and after training program, and blood creatine kinase (CK) level were measured for evaluating recovery status. In addition, plasma DHEA-S and total testosterone levels also were detected. Results: We found that oral DHEA supplementation increased serum DHEA and testosterone levels, but it did not show significant effect on glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. Furthermore, the plasma CK response following intensive training was significantly attenuated in DHEA group. Conclusion: In male badminton players, oral DHEA supplementation exhibited the beneficial effect on improving post-exercise recovery capacity by the buffering action of DHEA-S, and further preventing muscle damage.


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