  • 期刊

Effects of Six Months Group-Based Exercise on Bone Mineral Density and Functional Physical Fitness in Early Postmenopausal Women



目的:探討6個月團體運動(阻力訓練 [group-based resistance training, GBRT]或階梯有氧[group-based step aerobics, GBSA])對停經後女性(postmenopausal women, PMW)骨質密度(bone mineral density, BMD)與功能性體能(functional physical fitness, FPF)之變化率。方法:51位健康PMW隨機分派至GBRT、GBSA、或對照(CON)三組(每組 17人)。GBRT(60%最大反覆)與GBSA(55-85%心跳保留率)接受每週3次、每次60分鐘,持續6個月運動,CON則維持正常不做任何介入。BMD與FPF(如下肢肌力、敏捷/動態平衡與心肺耐力)在6個月介入前、後進行評估。結果:股骨頸BMD在GBSA組(2.74%)顯著優於CON組(-2.38%),但GBRT組(0.23%)無顯著。在腰椎BMD三組間無差異;FPF在GBRT與GBSA 6個月訓練後顯著優於CON組。結論:此結果建議團體運動介入可預防停經後女性骨質流失並能有效提升FPF。團體階梯運動對股骨頸骨質流失的預防效果似乎比阻力訓練更有效。


Purpose: To investigate the changes in bone mineral density (BMD) and functional physical fitness (FPF) of early postmenopausal women (PMW) following a 6 months of group-based exercise (either resistance training [GBRT] or group-based step aerobics exercise [GBSA]). Methods: Fiftyone healthy PMWs (50-65 years) were randomly divided into the GBRT, GBSA, or control (CON) groups (n = 17 per group). The GBRT (60% of 1RM) and GBSA (55-85% of heart rate reserve) groups performed 60 min per session, 3 times a week for 6 months, whereas subjects of the CON group continued with their normal daily activities and did not receive any intervention. The BMD and FPF (i.e., strength of lower extremity, agility/dynamic balance, and cardiovascular endurance) were assessed before and after 6 months. Results: The results showed that the BMD at the femoral neck of the GBSA group was significantly improved (2.74%) compared to the CON group (-2.38%) (p < .05), but not in the GBRT group (0.23%). At the lumbar spine, there were no significant changes in BMD amongst three groups. The functional physical fitness was significantly improved in both GBRT and GBSA intervention groups after the 6-month training compared with the CON group (p < .05). Conclusion: These results suggested that group-based exercise is beneficial in preventing bone mineral loss and improving functional physical fitness of the PMW. However, GBSA exercise seems to be more effective in preventing bone mineral loss at femoral neck than GBRT exercise.


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