  • 期刊


Regulating and Managing the Stationless Bike-sharing System in Urban Area from Users' Perspective: An Examination of Property Rights and the Externalities of Sharing Goods


近年來,由於物聯網(IoT)等科技在辨識、感測與即時計價等技術的快速發展下,共享經濟概念得以快速繁衍,創造出的商機無限,被許多學者視為是未來必然發展的趨勢。其中較為成熟且具市場性的共享經濟概念包括共享自行車(bike-sharing system)、共享汽車(car-sharing system)、共享辦公空間(co-working space)、共享居住空間(co-living space)等。既為共享,便牽涉到多個共享人之間財產權與共享效果的釐清問題,雖然在科技與新的管理概念發展下,能夠在釐清財產權上,使共享經濟達到使用者付費的市場可行性,但在空間與設施的經營管理上,仍舊存在許多共享經濟中,需要釐清的管理議題。本研究將以目前各大都會區對無樁式共享自行車系統產生的問題、疑慮與解決方案進行探討,思考重點在:何時共享經濟是集合行為下的利益共享,何時卻可能會產生公共資源的坐享其成者。當牽涉到公共財貨而無法有效釐清財產權與外部效果時,負向效果無法內部化,便容易產生佔用、擁擠、現有資源排擠、與權利義務不均的情形。針對共享自行車系統的使用者進行調查與分析,透過問卷訪談分析、各國新聞網站等多資料來源,進行議題探討與建議,提出無樁式共享自行車系統在資源管理上的相關政策建議。本研究最終提出五個規範與管理無樁式自行車系統的原則,並提出:適合的解決方案係因地制宜且具備各種可能,從最嚴格的全設站有樁化系統到最寬鬆的自由使用系統,都有其適用前提與區域。其規範概念是:當實質環境與潛在使用者成分愈複雜,則需要愈嚴格的規範與管理方式;共享的方便性與自由度,唯有在財產權能夠充分釐清且沒有共用資源悲劇風險的前提下,方能享有。


In recent years, rapid advances in ICT, IoT, and machine learning technologies have dramatically increased identification, sensing, monitoring and measuring capabilities. Development of these capabilities has stimulated the evolution of innovative sharing economies. These technologies have been applied in many new business models, including bike-sharing systems, car-sharing systems, co-working spaces, and co-living spaces. Nevertheless, sharing means multiple users for certain common resources, which introduces complications for property rights. Even with the help of powerful technologies, new regulating and managing systems still have to cope with these contemporary complexities. This research aims to tackle the new urban nuisances generated by the stationless bike-sharing system around the world. The fundamental characteristics were analyzed according to property rights theory, which provides a framework for understanding the public use of this semiprivate good. Avoiding the free-rider effects on spatial and non-spatial public resources, negative environmental externalities, and the tragedy of commons are the regulatory objectives. This study collected hazardous phenomenon caused by stationless bike-sharing system in the main city areas throughout the world. The findings suggest that five principles of regulation should be considered in order to avoid the nuisances and also to provide a spectrum of possible practical solutions, from a complete strict station with dock system to a complete free sharing system. The analytical result of this study suggest that the greater the complexity and the combination of potential users and physical environment, the stricter the regulation environment needs to be. Convenience and freedom in use can only be enjoyed when property rights are clearly delineated and when there is no risk of the tragedy of the commons.


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